Revision of the European Treaties: a controversial proposal in an already critical period – VP News

by time news

2023-11-29 01:28:27
Fundamental Right to Bodily Autonomy: A fundamental right to bodily autonomy and universal access to health without discrimination will be established.

Criticisms of the proposal

The proposal comes at a time when Europe is on the brink of an unprecedented crisis, with the threat of direct conflict with Russia. In this context, such a radical revision of the treaties could not only be inappropriate, but also dangerous, risking worsening internal divisions and further destabilizing the situation.

The authoritarian management of the pandemic by the EU outside of any independent scientific control and its failure to prevent or mitigate conflict with Russia raise questions about the wisdom of further restricting the voice of member countries. The proposal to abolish the principle of unanimity in decisions is particularly worrying. This change could limit the ability of member countries to express dissent and diversity of opinions, at a time when plurality of perspectives is more necessary than ever.

The current structure of the EU, with a European Commission holding significant executive and legislative power, often without adequate democratic oversight by the European Parliament, already raises serious doubts about the democratic legitimacy of the entire structure. The president of the Commission is not directly elected by the citizens of the various member countries, a fact that raises serious doubts about the democratic legitimacy of the entire structure, which adopts mechanisms that are unclear in its decisions and highly ideological in its relations with states.

Overall, the proposed reforms, if accepted – and there seems to be no doubt about their acceptance by member states – would lead to the elimination of any form of control over the work of the EU institutions. This scenario would transform such institutions into even more autocratic entities.

Next steps

FDE Strainin an article dated November 23, 2023, reports the next steps in the amendment process:

Now that MEPs have reiterated their call for changes to the EU treaties and asked the Council to “present the proposals immediately and without deliberation […] to the European Council”, it is up to the EU heads of state and government to establish a Convention – a decision taken by simple majority. The Spanish Presidency of the Council is expected to present the proposals to the European Council in December. Find out more about how EU treaties are changed”.

Need for mobilization in the face of unprecedented future challenges

In conclusion, while a revision of the treaties may be necessary to address future challenges, it is crucial that this occurs in a way that strengthens, rather than weakens, the democracy and sovereignty of member countries. At a time of crisis and uncertainty, the European Union should focus on strengthening its internal cohesion and promoting open and democratic dialogue, rather than on reforms that could worsen divisions and undermine citizens’ trust in the European project.


Marginal note:

All original screenshots of the proposals on FDE Strain

The whole document: European Parliament

#Revision #European #Treaties #controversial #proposal #critical #period #News

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