Seven Foods That Promote Chronic Inflammation in Rheumatism, Osteoarthritis, and Diabetes

by time news

2023-12-02 05:56:00
Title: Seven Foods That Promote Chronic Diseases Such as Rheumatism, Osteoarthritis, and Diabetes

By Natalie Hull-Deichsel | December 2nd, 2023

Chronic inflammation has been identified as the cause of various complaints and illnesses, including rheumatism, osteoarthritis, and diabetes. The German Society for Nutrition e. V has highlighted the significant impact of diet on chronic inflammatory processes. They suggest that certain foods can worsen or improve chronic inflammatory diseases. Additionally, Hibiscus tea has been identified as a potential adjunct therapy for autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, and multiple sclerosis.

In response to the increasing prevalence of chronic inflammatory diseases, the German Rheumatism League is launching a unique campaign to help seniors suffering from rheumatism. The campaign aims to provide digital help offers such as the “Rheuma-Auszeit” app.

The article also discusses the impact of certain foods on chronic inflammatory diseases. It notes that an unbalanced diet can significantly influence inflammatory processes. The following seven foods are highlighted as promoters of chronic diseases:

1. Sugar: High sugar consumption can promote inflammatory processes in the body, increasing the risk of rheumatism, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

2. Meat and sausage: Processed meat, sausages, and cold cuts contain non-negligible amounts of sugar and salt, both of which are considered inflammatory, and can promote high blood pressure.

3. Alcohol: Regular alcohol consumption can lead to inflammation and damage in the gastrointestinal area, as well as promote inflammation in the liver and pancreas.

4. Coffee: Drinking more than two cups of coffee a day can activate inflammatory markers in the blood, potentially leading to cardiovascular diseases.

5. Trans fats: Found in convenience foods, fried foods, and sweets, trans fats can increase cholesterol levels and promote the development of inflammatory processes related to cancer.

6. White flour products: Eating white flour has been shown to increase blood sugar levels and promote inflammatory intestinal bacteria, potentially leading to chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism, intestinal inflammation, diabetes, and acne.

7. Dairy products, eggs, and red meat: These animal-based foods contain arachidonic acid, which can promote inflammation in the body and increase the risk of osteoarthritis.

The article also emphasizes that while these foods do not need to be eliminated from the diet entirely, avoiding them could contribute to milder or fewer symptoms in the case of chronic illnesses. It suggests focusing on foods with anti-inflammatory effects to prevent or minimize chronic inflammation and associated diseases.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information on health topics and is not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment, or medication. It does not replace a visit to a doctor, and the editorial team cannot answer individual questions about medical conditions.]
#Relieve #chronic #inflammation #avoid #foods

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