‘We need a non-ideological ecological transition. Italy does its part

by time news

2023-12-02 11:35:00

Time.news – “Italy is doing its part in the decarbonisation process, it is doing so in a pragmatic way, with an approach of technological neutrality, free from radicalism”. The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, spoke at the session of heads of state and government of the COP28 in Dubai, speaking about the future of energy and reiterating Rome’s role in the process.

“If we want to be effective we must pursue environmental sustainability that does not compromise the economic-social sphere: we need an ecological, not an ideological transition”, he added.

“Italy is doing its part in the decarbonisation process, and it is doing so in a pragmatic way, that is, with a technologically neutral approach, free from useless radicalism. My idea is that if we want to be effective, if we want environmental sustainability that does not compromises the economic and social sphere, what we must pursue is an ecological, and not an ideological, transition”

“We are gradually replacing coal-fired electricity generation with renewables, we have adopted a new Energy and Climate Plan and are investing resources and attention on biofuels, so much so that he was among the founders of the Global Biofuels Alliance”.

In the European context, “we have charted a path to carbon neutrality by 2050 and to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030,” he added.

The Prime Minister reiterated that Italy is “also committed to ensuring, through the EU program “Fit for 55”, a multi-sectoral approach that strengthens labor markets and mitigates the impact on our citizens. And this is an essential point, because if we think that the green transition could entail unsustainable costs, especially for the most vulnerable, we condemn it to failure”

Goals still far away

“This summit is a key moment in our efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees: we have achieved the first ‘Global stocktake’ and there are reasons to be optimistic. But the goal still remains distant.” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this while speaking at the session of heads of state and government at COP28 in Dubai.

“COP28 must be a turning point – added Meloni – we are called to give a clear direction and implement reasonable but concrete actions, such as tripling the world’s renewable energy generation capacity by 2030 and doubling the global rate of improvement annual report on energy efficiency”.

The Mattei plan for Africa

“Italy intends to allocate an extremely significant portion of the Climate Fund – whose total allocation is 4 billion euros – to the African continent. However, not through a charitable approach, because Africa does not need charity, but it needs to be put in a position to compete on equal terms, to grow and prosper thanks to the multitude of resources that the continent possesses. Cooperation between equals, rejecting paternalistic and predatory approaches”, recalls the Prime Minister.

Energy is one of the pillars of the Mattei Plan for Africathe cooperation and development plan on which Italy is working with great determination to build mutually beneficial partnerships and support the energy security of African and Mediterranean countries – repeated Meloni – we are also working, thus, to become a strategic hub for clean energy, developing the necessary infrastructure and generation capacity, in our homeland and in the Mediterranean”.

“After the Rome Conference on Development and Migration, two new financial instruments were established to address the root causes of migration, fight human traffickers and guarantee the right not to emigrate: we will continue to support the Green Climate Fund also in the next cycle and, as I already announced yesterday, we will contribute 100 million euros to the new loss and damage fund, strongly supported by the Presidency of the Emirates. All these priorities will also be at the center of the Italian Presidency of the G7 in 2024″, she concluded.

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