Análisis de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

by time news

2023-12-02 11:00:00

Nuclear war and chemical attacks are in the news again in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Surprising with a new installment of the star saga in terms of contemporary shooters is something very difficult. It is also analyzing it for the relevance it entails. And year after year, Activision tries to surprise the user with new mechanics, content and small incentives so that users feel comfortable on the battlefield that your game offers. Something like this wants to contribute to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare IIIwhere not a bit of the good gameplay that the saga has had is lost, although it tries to innovate in other aspects with a result that is, at the very least, disturbing.

We will break down all this and much more into two very different sections. On the one hand, his campaign mode, where we will put ourselves in the shoes of soldiers well loved by the community. And on the other hand, we will shoot each other in his multiplayer mode, which includes the classic skirmishes and a zombie mode that always delights those who enjoy its cooperative.

Campaign Mode – Group of Super Soldiers

In Call of Duty we have already experienced everything. Or almost everything, there is always room for rarities. From battles in historical settings such as the First World War, through dystopian futures with Kevin Spacey as the bad guy, to ending up conquering space. Literally. We have had frenetic missions in airplanes, phases with railgun and even moments where stealth and calm reigned. That is why looking for an innovative incentive becomes very difficult, and the search for novelty takes its toll on its aspect. single-player.

On this occasion, and as a claim more than anything else, We will once again control a group of soldiers well known to lovers of the saga. From Captain Price, to the militiaman Farah Karim or even playing tricks with Kate Laswell. Each and every one of them has a role in the story to foil Makarov’s plans. As the name of the game itself indicates, we will return to contemporary skirmishes. We will have the latest in military technology but without going into prototypes or futuristic inventions. And although the weaponry neither shoots lasers nor will we have jetpacks that make us fly, We will have enough variety of rifles, submachine guns and pistols to face each mission in a different way.

Between shadows

Although we will begin the story with the typical spectacular mission entering a prison, then we will experience another series of different phases. Don’t get me wrong, It will continue to be a Call of Duty, but it loses that “popcorn spectacle” which, at least one server, loved it. Many of the phases occur in large areas with several objectives to complete. It’s not bad that the user can choose the order of each objective or from which place to undertake the mission… but abuses stealth excessively.

I like that there is always a mission where you have to hide in the undergrowth, but that will be a common trend that we will see in several screens of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. And yes, although if we want we can go like an elephant in a hardware store, it is not the natural way that the game advises you to do. There are still very good moments, and bringing together this cast of elite soldiers is a joy. Yes indeed, I would have liked a more limited adventure, with high moments and areas intoxicated with the house’s trademark dynamism.

Multiplayer Mode – The crown jewel of Call of Duty

I know that few people enjoy the story mode of any Call of Duty, since The fundamental pillar that supports this franchise is its online. For better and for worse, don’t expect big news compared to past iterations. We will have several modes with a common denominator: scenarios with a multitude of nooks and crannies through which to ambush the enemy. Death in each game is not a drama either. Unlike in campaign mode, here dynamism and immediate return to battle (or between rounds, depending on the case) are rewarded.

Like old times

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III It has new maps created for the occasion, but it also has remastered maps that have been recovered from Modern Warfare 2. This is because the saga turns 20 years old. To celebrate, nothing better than a trip to the past to unleash our destruction and lethality. We have small areas for those 6v6 games to play Domination, Team Duel, Search and Destroy or Casualty Confirmed. The novelty lies in what the study has classified as 3v3v3. Here three teams will face each other in a variety called Degüello, where in each round the players will only have one life and we will have to plan our strategy very well.

Of course, there is no shortage of massive games with many more users willing to go to war. The Ground war is back, with huge maps divided into sections where users will have to defend (or attack) the designated point. Nor can we leave behind the War Mode, something more linear and where we will have to gradually gain ground on the enemy. If to all this we add the Zombie Mode, a classic and reference that can never be forgotten, We assure you that the hours of fun are endless.

Die with your boots on

I confess that I have never been a big fan of Call of Duty’s online mode, but in this installment Everything has been captured in a very simple way that does not overwhelm you, even if you are new to the series. From the main interface, with the possibility of accessing other games in the franchise, to the customization of each class and weapon, care has been taken so that it is not a real gibberish. It is true that as you get more experience, you unlock new accessories and your weapons are better, which makes entering “new” a bit frustrating. But as soon as you get into the rhythm of the games, you will make your losses and contribute your grain of sand to the team.

Detail for realism

Although visually Call of Duty has never been at a bad level, this time they manage to provide a more realistic touch if possible. Not because of its graphic section (simply exceptional), but because other small details that add to the immersion. It may seem silly, but for example, if he is holding a rifle and you quickly switch to the pistol, you will still have the rifle in your off hand. It’s hard to explain, but everything seems more natural. It is no longer an instantaneous exchange of weapons, but each one has its space and place in our soldier. And speaking of spaces, when we are in narrow places, our character will adopt a position called tactical posture, where we can have the rifle on our hip but we can continue shooting through the scope without losing so much time in the transition.

Although the mechanics in its story mode can be discussed, we cannot say the same about its scenarios. From lush forests, desert towns or prisons with heavy rains outside they will accompany us to leave us speechless. For some strange reason, the sequences between screens were jerky for me. It is true that later “in-game” everything runs smoothly like silk, even if a thousand enemies surround you on any flank. To top off this immersion in the hell of battle, we will have a very well-made sound, which together with the voices in Spanish, will make you truly live the experience of a highly prepared soldier.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Conclusion

Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games continue in the contemporary wake of Call of Duty by offering new stories and that multiplayer so loved by the legion of fans. Although the campaign mode is not bad, it has shortcomings that do not elevate it as one of the best. There may not be as many cliffhangers as in other installments. Or that it is not as surprising as in past iterations, although for me the problem is the abundant areas of stealth that there are in each mission.

Beyond the mode single-player, What characterizes Call of Duty Modern Warfare III is its online multiplayer. Whether in team battles or zombie mode, fun is guaranteed. Its clear interface, the progression it has and the accessibility for old war wolves or newbies on the battlefield make it very appealing. If you want a shooting dance, but in a delivery that does not innovate too much compared to other years, then put on your helmet and prepare to die for your comrade.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III



Great variety of game modes Very good immersion thanks to its control and audiovisual aspect Friendly interface in its multiplayer mode


The single-player campaign does not have the rhythm of other deliveries It does not innovate much compared to other years The online is demanding from minute one
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