«When you grow up without affection it is easy to get hooked on that bad tit that is the stage»

by time news

2023-12-03 12:51:32

With the title 'I want us to meet again for the last time', Rayden's farewell tour is touring all of Spain and a good part of Latin America so that all his fans can say goodbye in a big way. This Saturday it is his turn to Madrid, with a great performance at the Wizink Center where all of his hits and also the best of his record swan song will be played, 'The Impossible Victory', where Carlos Tarque, Dani Fernández, Nanpa Básico, Covi Quintana, Travis Birds and Álvaro De Luna collaborate. “All of them will be there… and more,” the rapper announces.

Did you record your album knowing it would be your last?

Well half and half. Curiously, the part of the album that gives the most singing in that sense is the one I did without knowing that it was the last one. It seems that the subconscious was there doing its thing.

Is life a series of impossible victories, because they are inconclusive?

Yes. The most impossible thing is knowing how to win in the world of music, which is very difficult.

And how do you earn in music?

Coming out of it when you have said everything, when you can claim victory, when you can say that you have already said everything you wanted to say.

Have you faced that small abyss of thinking about the day after withdrawal?

Not really. Everyone tells me why I'm leaving, and I see it as a way of not wanting to accept my goodbye, but at the same time, giving me their gratitude.

His girlfriend has collaborated on the album.

It is their first collaboration, and the last! (laughs). I had a possible collaborator who sings boleros, but when I finished the lyrics it only made sense for my girlfriend to sing them. It seemed to me that it was going to be a given for anyone else to sing it, but he made it quite difficult for me (laughs). Another impossible victory has been this, that in the end he collaborated singing on my last album.

She is also an artist. Two egos don't fit in the same house, is that true?

Well in reality, since neither of us have an ego, we are applauding each other all the time. There is mutual admiration, and so it is very nice to share a roof and a shopping list.

Do you think you will have sick masses withdrawal syndrome?

No, no… I have to admit that when I started in music, and I started to feel valued, I was very upset. When you grow up without much affection you get hooked on the bad tit that is the stage and the applause. But now that I'm working, not anymore. It is very nice to live this, this farewell tour that ends in August of next year, and now to treasure memories.

Did you have little affection in childhood?

Yes, yes… I didn't have much attention at home. All boys and girls are born with a god-killing or demon-killing weapon, and when the vision of the parents as gods is broken, you can rescue the person. But if you don't admire that person, then nothing, with cordiality and affection, you walk away. Not having affection allowed me to get hooked on art, to create universes where I could do and undo as I pleased, where I could feel at home.

Will there be visuals on the tour that cover your career?

No, because I don't want to get tearful. It would be very pompous. Playing so much with the epic… I don't know. My entire career has been a triumph of normality, even saying goodbye.

What is the chronology of the decision to leave music? Or is it a 'chas!'?

It is a voice that takes shape inside you little by little. At first it's like you avoid her. But when you look at her face, you begin to feel calm, to listen to her, and you notice that she continues to calm you down, and calm you down. It begins to crystallize, you begin to see that it is something solid, and you begin to take steps: tell your closest people, your partner, your band, your office, your record company, your son, the media… What if after All of this you feel calm, you understand that you have followed your intuition and that you have done well. It's not like those groups that say “I'm quitting” to sell tickets and then appear alone. Not like those groups that announce their retirement and do a farewell tour of theaters, another of stadiums, another acoustic, another symphonic (laughs). I love to make the parallel of this with older people who with each passing day celebrate that they are dying a little each day, and that their wet dream is to die and be able to see through a hole how others cry at their funeral, and then reappear as if to say “Don't worry, nothing has happened here.” I don't want to drag the dead man.

#grow #affection #easy #hooked #bad #tit #stage

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