Broken streets: only 8 photos of downtown Santa Fe expose the terrible state of the city’s arteries

by time news

2023-12-03 22:49:49

The poor state of the city’s streets is not news. Nothing new under the sun of the provincial capital. However, getting used to avoiding potholes and accidents is not the solution. The streets demand care in order to take care of the population and guarantee urban mobility.

The reinforced concrete pavement rises, the heat and weight of buses and freight transport causes large undulations and generates dangerous pits. This can damage vehicles traveling on the streets. But the most serious thing is that it can cause traffic accidents. And in this case the consequences are human lives, people who end up in the hospital or with consequences.

Center. Hipólito Yrigoyen y San Jerónimo has the entire folder torn. Credit: Pablo Aguirre.

Last year alone, a total of 24 people died due to road accidents in the department of La Capital, whose main city is Santa Fe. This represents a 60 percent increase compared to the previous year. It is the highest mortality rate: 5.5 deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants. In addition, there were 1,765 people injured in road accidents.

Recoleta. Saint Jerome and Cándido Pujato. Credit: Guillermo Di Salvatore.

This hard and painful fact was recorded in “How We Go”, the annual report prepared by the Municipality of Santa Fe together with the Stock Exchange, in which specialists of different kinds participate. The information was provided by the Road Observatory of the Provincial Road Safety Agency.

in the neighborhoods

There is no need to go to the neighborhoods. Things are worse there. Just a tour of the city center is a free sample of the poor state of certain sectors. Especially the corners where urban bus lines travel, where the good condition of the streets should be guaranteed. That’s where there are the most problems, the most potholes, the most broken pavement and cracked concrete.

Coast. This is one of the main streets of the coastal district of La Guardia, on the Santa Fe coast. Credit: Mauricio Garín.

There are constant complaints from some neighborhoods of the city about the poor condition of the streets. There oblivion won the arteries. Especially in the neglected northern sector of the city, where all types of urban infrastructure are lacking, and where many streets are still dirt. Of the around 7,500 streets that the city has today, about 4,500 are dirt or sand (790 sand streets in Colastiné and La Guardia, and 190 in Alto Verde). And when it rains, impassable “lagoons” form.

Pavement. All built in the Irigoyen Freyre area between 25 de Mayo and Rivadavia. Credit: Luis Cetraro.

Therefore, the integration between the sector that has all essential services and the one that lacks basic urban infrastructure remains pending in the city. And the lack of paved streets is a complication for essential services, such as ambulances, waste collection and public transportation, as well as patrol officers who must ensure the safety of neighbors.


From the Municipal Urban Management Directorate, the Road Maintenance area is in charge of providing improvements that allow the movement of each city resident, maintaining the existing road infrastructure, seeking a sustainable, efficient and quality exercise, both on dirt streets. , asphalt pavements, and concrete. In addition, what is sought is to expand the road, giving priority to the streets and sidewalks that penetrate the city’s neighborhoods.

Alberti. At the central stop in front of the park, on Rivadavia, this jump was formed in the concrete. Credit: Manuel Fabatia.

However, according to what reality reflects, what is done to maintain the streets seems to be insufficient.

What is done to maintain the streets seems to be insufficient.
#Broken #streets #photos #downtown #Santa #expose #terrible #state #citys #arteries

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