Only for dead writers? – Cubajournalists

by time news

2023-11-30 03:38:26

I recently looked into a library’s activity plan. I read it carefully and was surprised to realize that all the scheduled activities — and believe me, I’m not exaggerating — were related to deceased writers. On all commemorative dates, whether the birth or death of an author, activities dedicated to his work were organized. I found it curious and, in some ways, somewhat discouraging, that libraries seemed to be more focused on almost exclusively honoring writers of the past, than on promoting and supporting contemporary authors.

It is understandable that tribute is paid to great figures of literature who have left an important legacy; But what about living writers who also contribute a work? Why aren’t they offered the same space and recognition in our libraries?

One of the possible causes of this trend is facilitation on the part of libraries. It is easier to organize activities about a writer who has already been written about and about whom a lot of information is available, than to have to research, read and analyze the work of an author of our time. It is understandable that the work of promoting living writers requires additional effort, but it is essential to keep current literature alive and offer variety and freshness to users. Librarians should read both the classics and current writers. What books does a non-reading librarian promote — or how do they promote them? In that sense it is worth thinking about a profound update of our human resources. It is not enough to know classification systems in institutions whose main function is to promote reading.

It is time for libraries to commit to promoting contemporary authors as well. It is necessary to open spaces for book presentations, analysis of their works, talks, among other activities that will offer visibility and support to current literature. Libraries have the responsibility of being a meeting point between the community and culture, and this implies a varied and updated offer.

It is urgent to rethink approaches regarding the literary activities of libraries and that is an essential and cannot be postponed aspect: including in the programming, proposals that give voice to living writers. (Taken from The Bearded Caiman).

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