Córdoba: the UCR disaffiliated Myrian Prunotto, but his lawyer says it is illegal – News

by time news

2023-12-04 05:10:56

The Radical Civic Union (UCR) of Córdoba disaffiliated this Sunday the elected vice-governor of the province, Myrian Prunotto, for having joined the Peronist Martín Llaryora’s formula.

The Radical Conduct Court considered that the former mayor of Estación Juárez Celman incurred a “violation of the Code of Ethics” of the party.

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The basis for the sanction is that Prunotto was a candidate for the ruling coalition, We Make United for Córdoba, without there being an agreement between Peronism and radicalism.

For this reason, the party’s disciplinary body assessed that the leader’s conduct did not comply with ethics.

The same sanction fell on the mayor of Arroyito, Gustavo Benedetti.

It should be noted that this is the second time that the UCR has expelled a candidate for vice governor: in 2018, it did so with Antonio Rins from Rio Cuarto, who had supported Luis Juez in the ticket. In those elections, the Juan Schiaretti-Héctor Campana duo won.

For Prunotto’s lawyer, the decision is illegal

The lawyer representing Myrian Prunotto, Alfonso Buteler, considered this Sunday that the UCR’s decision to disaffiliate the former mayor of Estación Juárez Celman is illegal.

“After having become aware of a statement released to the press with UCR logos, accompanied by a resolution curiously lacking a date, in which it is reported that the expulsion from that centenary party of the elected vice-governor, Myrian Prunotto, has been ordered, We comply in informing that, if true, this decision lacks legality and does not produce any legal effect, since the Federal Electoral Justice has already issued a timely decision on this issue,” reads a statement released to the press by Buteler.

“In effect, by resolution of September 13, in response to the request for party disaffiliation made by the representative of the UCR and in response to the defenses raised by Prunotto, the federal judge rejected the request for disaffiliation and ordered “(…) “waiting for the exhaustion of the internal party route, in accordance with the provisions of article 57 of law 23,298,” the text adds.

“This implies that, as long as all the UCR party requests are not issued – both at the provincial and national level – the disaffiliation of Myrian Prunotto cannot be ordered. For this reason, it is clear that the elected vice-governor continues to be affiliated with the Radical Civic Union,” the statement concludes.

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