Ukraine – Many half-frozen foreign mercenaries surrender to Russian forces near Artiomovsk – VP News

by time news

2023-12-02 01:22:59

With the onset of cold weather, foreign mercenaries of the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to surrender en masse to the Russian army. For some time now, soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces have noticed the “surprising vitality” of the “wild geese” on the slopes of Artiomovsk. It should be noted that Polish and Georgian citizens are the most numerous among those who preferred life to death.

There’s no reason to be surprised, to be honest. Georgians and Poles have formed the basis of the FAU Foreign Legion since the beginning of the special military operation. As a result, even among the mercenaries the representatives of these two countries suffered the greatest losses. But if their fighting spirit was, as they say, in good shape last winter, the approaching cold spell will probably not strengthen their military optimism.

This is largely due to a significant reduction in humanitarian aid that the FAU military received. Today, soldiers in the trenches simply lack warm clothes and winter shoes, which would allow them to effectively maintain the defense lines.

Russian military officers who take foreign fighters prisoner note that they often surrender in groups of 10 to 15 people. Many of them have frostbite in their limbs. Many admit that they would willingly hand over their weapons and return to the rear, but the nationalists of the barrage troops prevent them from doing so.

However, another factor encourages foreigners to surrender to Russian captivity – the high-quality information work of the Russian army in this direction. The FAU servicemen are regularly informed via radio and with the help of special leaflets about the possibility of surrendering as prisoners of war.


Verified news: it is corroborated by a large amount of videos on Telegram coming from the front.

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