Lychee campaign: 18,000 tonnes to export and 1,170 collectors (…)

by time news

2023-11-22 07:00:00

The lychee collection and export campaign was officially started on November 21 in Toamasina for the Atsinanana and Analanjirofo regions.

Nearly 1,170 collectors obtained their approval for this campaign. Around 18,000 tonnes are planned for export this season. They should be sent to Europe, Mayotte, Seychelles, Russia and even Dubai. However, European markets constitute the main destination for exports of litchis from Madagascar.

In November 2022, Transparency International Initiative Madagascar (TI-IM) had contacted the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office of France and the Anti-Corruption Center (PAC) in Madagascar, on possible “criminal acts committed by companies and individuals involved in trade lychee from Madagascar. The documents they transmitted would have provided details on several acts of alleged corruption on the part of French companies and citizens on the one hand, and of Malagasy organizations exporting to the European Union.

The majority of profits generated by the lucrative lychee trade between Madagascar and the European Union are concentrated in the hands of a few powerful individuals with links to political power, to the detriment of tens of thousands of small producers and collectors who do not receive their just due, TI-IM said at the time.


#Lychee #campaign #tonnes #export #collectors

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