Italians are like sleepwalkers, says Censis, or like hypnotisers – VP News

by time news

2023-12-02 22:04:34

Sleepwalking Italians: a society blind to omens

Il Sun 24 Hours with an article by Andrea Carli he takes up the 57th Censis report on the social situation in Italy and comments that the situation is painted with a worrying picture: a society apparently blind to the omens. This study highlights various critical aspects, such as the reversal of the employment cycle, the slowdown in economic growth, the demographic crisis, the return of war and uncertainties about welfare. Although these issues raise concern, it seems that most Italians prefer to ignore them.

Andrea Carli observes that the report describes an Italian society suffering from a sort of collective sleepwalking, where we tend to close our eyes to warning signs. The underlying theme of the investigation is the blindness of Italians in the face of omens. A clear example is the demographic crisis: it is predicted that in 2050 there will be almost 8 million fewer people of working age.

The author points out that Italy seems trapped in an emotional market: 80% of Italians believe the country is in decline, 69% see more harm than good from globalization, and 60% fear the outbreak of a world war. Furthermore, 50% believe that Italy would not be able to defend itself militarily. We are witnessing a retreat towards lesser desires, no longer the pursuit of wealth, but the search for a more limited daily well-being.

Carli observes that the economy, after the end of the monetary expansion, shows a record number of employees but with slowing growth. There is also an increase in demands for individual civil rights and new family configurations, with 74% of citizens in favor of euthanasia. Finally, there is a marked generational lack of communication, with young people expressing their dissent in a silent way, many of them choosing the path of expatriation.

The Emotionality Market: Amplified Fears in a Disrupted Society

And again the author: in a context of emotional hypertrophy, rational arguments are often overturned by continuous emotional shocks. In this situation, everything becomes an emergency, and as a result, nothing is truly perceived as such. This environment favors the growth of irrational fears, millennialist escapes and apocalyptic visions, confusing what is unlikely with what is likely.

An appeal to awareness and to develop critical judgment

Ultimately what this Censis report highlights is this: the majority of Italians seem to live in a state of permanent fear, almost under hypnosis, induced by a sort of dictatorship of thought (about hypnosis if you want, listen to what says psychologist Lucia Giovannini here:

It is surprising to note how many, including my Catholic friends, show little interest in these issues, passively witnessing the slow deterioration of our country and our nation.

The report confirms that this is a tangible reality. If Joan of Arc were among us, she would likely call for action, as she herself did following God’s command. Even in captivity, in her last two years of life, she continued to fight.

Studying his process, we understand that today he would tell us: “Act, God will act”. In other words, “We have done our duty and the result, that is certain, will come from God.” This should be a warning to all of us not to remain idle, but to take an active part in shaping the future of our nation.

#Italians #sleepwalkers #Censis #hypnotisers #News

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