French mountain biker Victor Koretsky set his sights on Olympic gold

by time news

2023-12-05 13:13:53

Victor Koretsky marked with a white stone the date of Monday July 29. That day, he will finally try to win Olympic gold in cross-country mountain biking on Élancourt Hill, for his third participation in the Olympics.

Published on: 05/12/2023 – 12:13

3 mn

There are appointments in life that we don’t want to miss for the world. For Victor Koretsky, Paris 2024 must lead to the supreme title to crown an already busy career. The mission is crucial. After a thunderous end to the season, and a victory during the Élancourt test event last September – dress rehearsal for the 2024 Olympic race -, the mountain biker begins his winter preparation, with this famous Parisian summer in focus.

The newlywed and young father has already participated in the Olympic Games twice. The first time in Rio in 2016, where a puncture at the end of the race prevented him from aiming for the podium (10th). The second time in Tokyo in 2021, where he missed the bronze medal by 12 seconds (5th).

« In Brazil, I had the enthusiasm »

« I have participated in the Olympics enough, now I have to win this gold medal, I am at the top of my career », blurts the young man in jeans, turtleneck sweater and earrings. The one who grew up with, in his room, posters of Julien Absalon (titled in Beijing in 2008 and in London in 2012), also dreams of being a role model for the younger generation. In Rio, Victor Koretzky was alongside Julien Absalon who was trying to make the three pass. “ In Brazil, I had enthusiasm. And sometimes, it’s the best approach to not ask questions », confides Victor Koretzky.

Today, the 29-year-old French driver doesn’t seem any more stressed about the challenge of performing at home, in front of his family and his audience. The only thing that could upset him is to be ” braked » in its preparation. A stubborn mononucleosis kept him away from leading roles during the last two seasons.

Victor Koretzky is now enjoying this return to the light with quite a bit of confidence. “ I’m not an anxious person, it’s in my nature. I know what I am capable of. It’s a bit like school. If you have worked hard enough, there is no reason for things to go badly on the day of the exam. “, he said. Would he be imperturbable?

In any case, Victor Koretzky is very well surrounded. He can count on his wife and family to be freed from all daily constraints. “ Without them it would be different. They bring me serenity », Reveals, with a certain emotion, Victor Koretzky, who loves to visit his grandparents after lunch to have coffee and listen to them tell their lives.

« When he sets goals, he devotes himself to them fully and until the end “, his father testified to the DirectVelo website. In his entourage, no one doubts his abilities to obtain the Grail, starting with his brother, a former road professional. For the moment, I only have Paris 2024 in my head. Being an Olympic champion changes your life. We take another look at you », concludes the French athlete, who had signed his first victory in the MTB World Cup in 2021 in Albstadt.

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