Baccalaureate, repetition, group of levels… what to remember from Gabriel Attal’s announcements on schooling

by time news

2023-12-05 16:04:41

His plan was eagerly awaited. The Minister of National Education Gabriel Attal revealed this Tuesday his directions to “raise the level of our school” in an email addressed to teachers. At the start of the afternoon, he detailed these measures in a press conference from the Charles-Péguy college, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. “There will be a before and an after,” warned Gabriel Attal. Here’s what to remember

New math test

Gabriel Attal indicated that a new mathematics test would be introduced at the baccalaureate for the first class from 2025-2026. For high school, the general and technological baccalaureate, which today provides for an anticipated French test at the end of first year, will now include another, “dedicated to mathematics and scientific culture, for all of our students”, announces Gabriel Attal.

This, entitled “mathematical and scientific culture test” will be a “major turning point in the place of mathematics and sciences in France”, specified Gabriel Attal who did not detail what it would concretely consist of. According to him, there is “urgency to act”. “Mathematics is fundamental, it is an issue of sovereignty. »

The last word to teachers for repeating a year

The tenant of rue de Grenelle also chose to leave the “last word” to the teachers to validate the repeating of the students, believing that “our school needs an educational revitalization at the hands of the teachers”. “From the first quarter of 2024, I will publish a decree which will give the teaching team, and no longer the families, the last word regarding the student’s repeating a year,” he specifies to the teachers. .

Both in the first level (nursery and elementary) and in the second level (middle and high school). They will also be able to “recommend, or even prescribe” successful courses to students during school holidays “conditioning their passage to the next class”. “Repetition is not a sanction,” he stressed during his press conference. Gabriel Attal had recently affirmed that it was necessary to “revisit” the “question of the taboo of repeating a year”.

The compulsory certificate to enter high school

Furthermore, the patent will be reformed to strengthen its “requirement” and its obtaining “will condition direct access to high school” from the 2025 session. “The patent must once again become a keystone,” launched Gabriel Attal.

Concretely, continuous assessment will only account for 40% of the final grade, compared to 50% currently. Likewise, the grading will be reviewed so that the “actual grades” obtained throughout the year are taken into account. The current system is based today on “skill blocks”, assured Gabriel Attal.

The latter also announced that he would put an end to “academic correction” which sometimes allowed certain students to obtain final grades higher than that initially given, after harmonization of the papers. “I am aware that the success rate will decrease in the years to come, I am aware of it and I accept it,” said Gabriel Attal.

The Minister of National Education also wants to make the middle school certificate “a real high school entrance exam”. Consequently, students who do not obtain it will have to join a “high school prep” class, a sort of intermediate class between third and second for students who do not obtain the certificate. “When you fail the certificate, it means that you do not have the level to enter high school. »

Establishment of “level groups”

In college, “level groups” will emerge. They will concern 6th and 5th grade students from the next school year in September for French and mathematics and “from the start of the school year in September 2025” in 4th and 3rd grade. There will be three groups (1, 2 and 3), group 1 corresponding to that of the students with the most difficulties. These will be limited to 15 students. “We will create positions” to achieve this objective, added Gabriel Attal.

These groups will be “flexible and their size adapted”. “During the year, students will be able to change groups if they progress,” explained Gabriel Attal. “We want to move towards a win-win system. » “No student should be left by the wayside,” said the Minister of National Education.

Redesign of primary school programs

Gabriel Attal also indicates that “new programs will apply to primary school, starting next September, with classes from kindergarten to CE2”, with the principles of “simplification” and “clarification”. This aims to “create a true primary of fundamentals”. New programs will also come into force for CM1 and CM2, but from the start of the 2025 school year.

At the same time, Gabriel Attal affirmed that the State would finance a reading textbook and another in mathematics. These will be labeled from 2024 for those in CP and CE1 and from 2025 for those in CE2 to ensure the “pedagogical quality” of the manual.

Use of artificial intelligence

Finally, the Minister of National Education wishes to set up a French application for remediation in mathematics and French called MIA seconds. This offers around 20,000 exercises and is based on artificial intelligence (AI). “I want AI to fully serve students,” explained Gabriel Attal. It will be accessible from September 2024 for all second year students.

These announcements come a few hours after the publication of the Pisa report, a benchmark survey which regularly probes the performance of educational systems, closely scrutinized by governments, according to which the level of French students aged 15 falls in mathematics and understanding of writing. Their level is maintained, however, in sciences, compared to the last Pisa study in 2018. France finds itself below the average of the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in these three subjects, far behind countries like Singapore, Japan or Korea.

#Baccalaureate #repetition #group #levels #remember #Gabriel #Attals #announcements #schooling

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