Children in hospital, the first cure is the family –

by time news

2023-12-06 14:01:25

by Health Editorial Staff

In Italy more than 88,000 children have to move to another city to receive the best care, the “Family Centered Care” model focuses on putting families, not just young patients, at the center of the treatment process

When a child is ill and requires hospitalisation, it is important to support the entire family who has a fundamental role throughout the child’s illness. «Family Centered Care» is a model of care practice, increasingly widespread throughout the world, which recognizes the centrality of the family in the life of the child with health problems, actively involving it throughout the entire treatment process, giving parents the opportunity to stay in close contact with your child for as long as necessary. To make this practice available and sustainable, during the recent conference «Family Centered Care: a question for everyone», promoted by the Ronald McDonald ETS Children’s Foundation together with the Association of Italian Pediatric Hospitals (AOPI), the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN), the IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Foundation and the SDA Bocconi School of Management, a bill was presented dedicated to the promotion of family-centred care, considered fundamental in the process of care and recovery of the minor.

Il Family Centered Care

Family Centered Care is a model of care for young patients that places value on the fact that not only the patient but also his family members are fully involved, in collaboration with the medical team, in making informed decisions regarding services and care medical care that the child and his family receive. In Family Centered Care all aspects of care are oriented towards supporting and involving the family with the aim of improving the quality, psychological well-being, clinical outcomes of the patient in general and the experience of his family. The Ronald McDonald Foundation, thanks to the «Ronald McDonald Family Rooms», welcoming spaces dedicated to parents within the pediatric pavilions of the most important Italian hospitals, and the «Ronald McDonald Houses», solidarity accommodation in which hospitality and free assistance are offered to sick children and their families when treatment is far from home, works alongside hospitals to welcome and support the families of hospitalized children. «We are really proud to promote Family Centered Care. This model of care has always inspired our mission and guides our daily activities. We firmly believe that putting the family at the center of the child’s treatment process is the right way to support and accompany them at the moment of diagnosis and treatment”, comments Nicola Antonacci, President of the Ronald McDonald Children’s Foundation.

The Ronald McDonald Children’s Foundation

In Italy the reception network includes 4 Ronald Houses (in Brescia, Florence and 2 in Rome) and 4 Family Rooms (Alessandria, Bologna, Florence, Milan) which were created with the aim of giving hospitalized children and their families the opportunity to staying united in a difficult moment like that of hospital treatment. The next opening of Casa Ronald in Bologna goes in this direction and aims, with the inauguration scheduled for this month, to welcome families with children undergoing therapy at the IRCCS Policlinico di Sant’Orsola. «An important research project has been launched through which SDA Bocconi’s CERGAS will measure the value generated by the Ronald McDonald Italia Foundation through Family Centered Care and the other activities launched in its first 25 years of operation in our country», – explains Francesca Lecci, Associate Professor of Practice at SDA Bocconi School of Management -. It will be work that will be developed throughout 2024 in a clearly multi-stakeholder perspective to understand how much and how the Foundation has contributed to generating value for the healthcare system and its operators, for the economic system and local authorities and, clearly , for families and children. Not a point of arrival, but a starting point for planning future developments.” The humanization of care is a particularly dear topic also in the medical world. «I am convinced that a hospital, in addition to the specific duty to treat, must also pay attention to another type of care, that towards the most human and fragile part of people. Patients or their families who enter the ward for hospitalization or a visit must find a welcoming, warm environment and a series of attentions that make the hospital experience a positively perceived experience, – explains Marco Giachetti, President of the Policlinico di Milano -. This is why in the construction of our New Polyclinic we are paying great attention to the overall well-being of the person, designing meeting places that go beyond the treatment path. The hospital will have a large roof garden where patients, visitors and operators will have dedicated spaces to experience the greenery during a break or to regenerate. For children it will be an opportunity to spend small moments of leisure in a protected and welcoming environment, together with their parents and loved ones.”

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December 6, 2023 (modified December 6, 2023 | 1:01 pm)

#Children #hospital #cure #family

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