New Mexico Files Lawsuit Against Meta Platforms and CEO for Allegedly Promoting Sexual Content to Underage Users

by time news

Title: New Mexico Files Lawsuit Against Meta Platforms Alleging Promotion of Sexual Content to Minors

Updated Dec. 6, 2023 12:51 pm ET

Facebook and Instagram recommend sexual content to underage users and promote minors’ accounts to apparent child predators, the state of New Mexico alleges in a lawsuit against parent company Meta Platforms and its CEO.

The civil lawsuit, filed Tuesday in New Mexico state court, alleges that “Meta has allowed Facebook and Instagram to become a marketplace for predators in search of children upon whom to prey.” It also claims that Meta has failed to implement protections against usage by children below the age of 13 and has targeted the age-related vulnerabilities of children in the interest of increasing its advertising revenue. The suit says Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg is personally responsible for product decisions that aggravated risks to children on Meta’s platforms.

This lawsuit raises serious concerns about the responsibility of social media platforms in protecting minors and the role they play in facilitating inappropriate interactions. Meta Platforms and its CEO will have to address these allegations and provide more robust protective measures for underage users.

It is clear that this lawsuit will have significant implications for the tech industry and the regulation of social media platforms. As the case unfolds, it will be important to monitor how Meta Platforms responds to these allegations and what steps they take to address the concerns raised by the state of New Mexico.

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