Why astrobiology should be taught in secondary education

by time news

2023-12-06 22:47:36

What high school student wouldn’t be motivated to help answer whether we are alone in the universe? What could arouse the interest of a teenage boy or girl more than understanding how and where life originates, what we have to do to detect it, where to look and with what instruments? Wouldn’t they hear stories about terrestrial organisms that resist extreme conditions better than any fictional superhero (extremophile organisms), that don’t even flinch at high temperatures of 120 °C and survive in the presence of radioactivity?

Teens consider science subjects difficultas ascertain many different studies recent. In the classroom, they are usually addressed through the textbook and problem solving. In the laboratory, practices are usually based on a script that all students follow, leaving little room for inquiry and reasoning.

Things would change completely if we used astrobiology as the backbone of research projects in secondary school. Through it they work, jointly, all sciences, along with engineering and technology. The topics covered are so exciting that they encourage students’ motivation, improving their interest in science.

Astrobiology as a STEAM subject

The most widespread pedagogical currents on science teaching speak of the advantages of designing and developing scientific projects in class. Within this current, in which a more active participation of students is intended, is the vision STEAM (from English Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), which proposes working together in the sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and geology) through engineering and technology, using mathematics and art.

But how to encompass all these disciplines in one project? Surely there are many answers, but we propose one: astrobiology.

Axis of educational inquiry projects

In our experience, it is possible to carry out experimental research in astrobiology with ESO and high school students following the scientific method, without using any tools other than school laboratories. For example, they can investigate the most extreme conditions that organisms are capable of withstanding. when they live inside a rock; or which is the rock or mineral that best survives upon entering the atmosphere of a planet, thus emulating the study of Extremophile organisms carried out by numerous scientists.

In these research projects, biological and geological sciences are worked on, but also:

Mathematics, through the calculation of volumes and areas, distances and scales.

Physics, with the calculation of the meteoroid’s trajectory, the speed of arrival at the Earth’s surface, the energy of the impact, or studying the effect of Earth’s gravity or other planets on the ejection and “capture” of said objects .

Chemistry, through the study of the effect of the Earth’s atmosphere or other atmospheres on them and their chemical and mineral compounds, and of chemical and climatic changes in habitable environments and their effect on life.

Technology, when designing devices for experimentation and calculations of materials.

Astrobiology is biology, geology, physics and chemistry; of course, it’s mathematics and, of course, technology and engineering.

In a transversal way, it is also encouraged:

The search for reliable information.

Linguistic skills through oral presentations and written productions.

The use of a second language (reading articles).

Artistic design with the creation of scientific infographics and posters.

Likewise, they represent an excellent “breeding ground” for the development of social and entrepreneurship skills, especially if they are considered transversally, involving different classes or educational levels, in which each of them will present their results to the others. promoting peer teaching.

The practical demonstration

In Burgos we have implemented two research projects in astrobiology during the 2022-23 academic year. One of the projects involved 12 and 13 year old students and tried to test the theory of panspermiawhich postulates that life could originate anywhere in the Universe and that it can travel through space and “seed” in different planetary bodiescontrolling variables such as T or vacuum and their influence on the survival of bacteria.

The second project, with students aged 14 to 17, dealt with the study of Extremophile organisms. Although the analysis of the results obtained and the conclusions will be published soon, it can be said that only three students of the 91 who answered the form did not like doing the research.

It is notable that, despite the effort involved in carrying out an activity different from the usual class rhythm, more than 92% of the students would like to do another similar project next year.

Teachers who teach science classes affirm that they perceive in their students (who participated in the project the previous year) a better predisposition towards science, that they better understand the scientific method and its limitations and that they know better the way scientists act. .

It seems clear that astrobiology is a science that captivates students.

#astrobiology #taught #secondary #education

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