AMLO affirms that the murder of medical students was due to the purchase of drugs

by time news

2023-12-07 01:00:31

He murder of five medical students It provoked strong indignation in our country. The facts were revealed on December 4 and to date the crime remains unpunished. But although the investigations are now advancing, the news was the position taken by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

In this type of situation, the ideal is to follow the evidence and publish only official information. In no way should we fall into premature conclusions because it is a serious error that only hinders the work of the authorities.

Murder of medical students remains under investigation

As a recapitulation, it is necessary to remember that in the vicinity of the University of Guanajuato located in Celaya, five bodies of young people who were between 20 and 30 years old were found. Soon it was revealed that they were all students of the Latin University of Mexico of the same entity.

Latin University in mourning: 5 medical students murdered

Who were the murdered medical students?

Jose Eduardo Freire Ortega Pedro Francisco Mateos Bridge Bryan Jesus Amoles Gasca Jesus Virgil Orozco Mateos Fabian Orozco Mateos

Within the case of multiple murder It was indicated that all the young people were Medicine students and two were even brothers. Although the motive behind this crime is unknown so far.

AMLO gives his opinion on the murder of medical students

For his part, today President Andrés Manuel López Obrador dedicated a moment of his morning conference to comment on what happened. The problem was that he said a hypothesis that lacks evidence and could even hinder investigations.

The president indicated that the murder of medical students It was generated because young people came to buy drugs. Due to a conflict between gangs over control of territory, the homicide was committed.

“What happened is that young students, even medical students, went to some parties in Querétaro, and on their way back, I think they went to Villagrán, and somewhere in these places they went… this is still hypothetical, we still don’t have all the research.” , is being investigated. “They went somewhere, supposedly to acquire drugs, and there they were murdered.”

His statement was immediately frowned upon because there are not enough elements to prove this hypothesis. Furthermore, some people have pointed out that it is a revictimization because it does not recognize the responsibility of its government to guarantee security to the population.

They identify the sixth victim of the crime

Within this same case it also emerged that a sixth victim. At the same crime scene there was another body but its identity was unknown. Now it is known that it is Luis Giovanni ‘N’ but he was not a student like the others.

For now, the multiple homicide It had a total of six fatalities. It is still not known what really happened or what caused this violent action. The investigation remains ongoing and there are no suspects in the crime either.

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