Covid, who risks ending up in hospital?

by time news

2023-12-07 16:59:59

Cases of Covid 19 continue to increase in Italy and with the peak expected at Christmas there is a return to fear of a surge in hospitalizations. But who are the people who risk ending up in hospital today?


“For Christmas there will be a simultaneous circulation of the flu, which will reach its peak, and Covid which will continue to circulate a lot. But we shouldn’t even think about a return of restrictions like in 2020. Today the identikit of the patient arriving in hospital unfortunately it is the 80-90 year old who never received the booster dose in 2022 and 2023 – Matteo Bassetti, director of infectious diseases at the San Martino polyclinic hospital in Genoa, told Salute – They are far behind. Senator Malan, there are no fans and we cannot think of a return to lockdown, obligations and masks. It is a typical viral circulation where Covid and flu intersect, I believe that the most important thing is not to talk about Ffp2 or closures but to convince elderly people to get vaccinated. Today we gave the anti-Covid vaccine to one in six over 80s while we should reach 50%”.

A shovel

Covid “will ruin the Christmas holidays for many Italians”, is the sentence of Pier Luigi Lopalco, professor of Hygiene at the University of Salento. “The circulation of the virus – he tells Salute – is destined to increase in these weeks. We have no reason to think the opposite also for the occupation of beds, given that vaccination never really started. The malaise caused by Covid lasts from 5 days to two weeks, getting infected is not a good experience, particularly during the Christmas period”, says the epidemiologist.

For Lopalco, to improve vaccination compliance against Covid, which is currently very low, “a strategy was certainly needed. Now we are just trying to patch up an uncontrollable situation. The idea of ​​solving the problem with a bit of information and with the Open days it’s like saying that we want to solve the problem of poverty with a day of fundraising”.


“In the week of Christmas we could reach 800 thousand cases including actual influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), metapneumovirus and even a bit of Covid”, on which “it is difficult to make estimates because the data are always underestimated”. This is the scenario proposed by the virologist of the State University of Milan Fabrizio Pregliasco, who for “the key week” predicts a good number of Italians put to bed by “syndromes with fever above 38 degrees”, he explains to Salute, and at least “one respiratory symptom plus one general symptom”.

#Covid #risks #hospital

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