Final straight line for a law criticized by liberal doctors’ unions

by time news

2023-12-07 20:08:22

Published on Dec 7 2023 at 7:08 p.m.

The landing was not easy. On Thursday, however, deputies and senators managed to find common ground on a majority bill aimed at better organizing care at the local level while the French struggle to access it. Supported by MP Frédéric Valletoux (Horizons) since last spring, the bill was poorly received by the liberal doctors’ unions.

Containing various measures ranging from the distribution of on-call duties between clinics and hospitals, to the role of doctors in nursing homes, including the ban on temporary medical work at the start of their careers and the organization of territorial health councils, it does not does not bring major upheavals. “We are taking a further step in the territorialization of our health system,” defends Frédéric Valletoux.

Do not “tense up unnecessarily”

In the midst of negotiations with Health Insurance to obtain an improvement in their remuneration during the renegotiation of their agreement with Social Security, the private doctors had however estimated that the proposal could result in new constraints for doctors .

Frédéric Valletoux has always defended himself from imposing “coercive” measures desired by certain elected officials in the face of medical deserts. Anxious not to inflame negotiations with doctors, the majority and the government have however been walking on eggshells in recent weeks.

And the alert of the liberal unions was heard by the Senate dominated by the right. The senators wanted not to “unnecessarily strain health professionals”, recalled Philippe Mouiller (LR), the president of the Social Affairs Committee on Thursday.

No automatic membership to the CPTS

Ultimately, the text validated this Thursday “renounces harmful irritants” to the ongoing negotiations between Health Insurance and doctors’ unions, welcomed senator and rapporteur Corinne Imbert (LR).

Among the measures removed is the principle of “automatic attachment” of doctors to “territorial professional health communities” (CPTS). This was supposed to encourage doctors to coordinate more with other professionals in their territory.

Improve the distribution of guards

The measure, however, was widely criticized by unions resistant to any constraints and for whom these CPTS can be synonymous with administrative burden. “The obligation was not there, but it was experienced like that,” regrets Frédéric Valletoux.

The text should also allow regional health agencies to involve clinics more in on-call duties (permanent care) whereas they are mainly provided by public hospitals today. On this point, the “text preserves the drafting of the Senate” welcomed the senators.

A “balanced approach which recognizes the participation of the private sector while favoring trust in the actors”, welcomes the boss of the Federation of Private Hospitalization, Lamine Gharbi. According to him, this law “goes in the right direction”.

This Thursday evening, other interested parties were waiting for the publication of the compromise text to react. The text must be voted on in the Assembly on December 12 and in the Senate on the 18th.

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