Consumption of ultra-processed foods is related to depression

by time news

2023-12-08 00:00:53

Food is the basis of life but recently the consumption of ultra-processed foods. Although these products are popular among the population, it does not mean that they are beneficial. In fact, more and more voices are calling for more severe regulation and even a total ban.

What are ultra-processed foods?

According to the Ministry of Health (SSa) This definition is used to refer mainly to products with industrial formulations based on substances extracted or derived from food. They are also characterized because they usually have additives to enhance sensory qualities.

The most worrying thing is that these products are nutritionally unbalanced. They are high in sugar, total fat, saturated fat and sodium, and low in protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins, compared to unprocessed or minimally processed products and foods. In other words, it is “junk” food.

Immediately the ultra-processed foods They generate obesity, diabetes and other diseases that put people’s integrity at risk. But now the novelty is that its impact is not only seen on the physical level but also on mental health.

Examples of ultra-processed foods

French fries Sweet or salty snacks Ice cream Chocolates Candies Industrial breads Sweetened cereals Soda or energy drinks Sugary drinks Frozen foods

Consumption of ultra-processed foods and depression

The recently published research titled Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods and Effects on Mental Well-being was carried out with data from 292,786 people from 70 countries who were surveyed between January and August 2023 as part of the Global Mind Project.

The study used the Mental Health Index (MHQ) assessment which assesses 47 aspects of mental sensation and function, as well as demographics, habits and life experiences.

What was obtained was that a greater consumption of ultra-processed foods It is related to a decrease in the ability to control thoughts and emotions, as well as a general decrease in mental well-being.

The impact on the mental health of ultra-processed foods It is present in all age groups, with a more significant impact on young people between 18 and 24 years old, who are the largest consumers of these products, and with consequences on all lifestyles.

Although it is evident that healthy habits such as exercise contribute to a better mood, they do not effectively counteract the effects of ultra-processed foods on people’s mental health.

5 discoveries in the relationship between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and depression

The more ultra-processed foods are consumed, the lower the mental well-being. Of all respondents, 53% who consume these types of products several times a day have problems with their mental well-being compared to 18% of those who rarely or never consume them.
Although young people consume more ultra-processed foods, all age groups are equally affected. Younger age groups tend to have lower levels of mental well-being, which coincides with their higher consumption of ultra-processed foods in their daily lives. It is evident that 54% of participants ages 18 to 24 reported consuming ultra-processed foods several times a week or more, compared to only 26% of participants ages 65 to 74.
Exercising does not counteract the effects of ultra-processed foods. Although it is true that the association between depressive symptoms and the consumption of ultra-processed foods is greater in sedentary or less physically active people, it does not mean that more exercise prevents this problem.
Ultra-processed foods affect all dimensions of mental health. An increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods leads to a decrease in the scores of the 6 dimensions measured by the MHQ. The strongest effects were observed for Adaptability and Resilience, followed by Social Self-Image, Mood and Perspective, Drive and Motivation, Cognition, and Mind-Body Connection. Therefore, the consumption of ultra-processed foods comprehensively affects people’s emotional dimension.
Depression, cognition and emotional control increase with ultra-processed foods. Among the 47 sensations and emotions evaluated by the MHQ, those that received lower scores with greater consumption of ultra-processed foods were Appetite Regulation, followed by Feelings of sadness, anguish or hopelessness, and Self-image, all symptoms associated with depression. .

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