More Decent Life: Schiaretti delivered the second disbursements of 500 credits – News Web

by time news

2023-12-08 02:55:35

The governor took advantage of the occasion this afternoon to say goodbye to the beneficiary families, who gave him a standing ovation in the Civic Center.

“I want to thank you because I always felt accompanied by each and every one of the people of Córdoba,” he stated.

The provincial investment in the half a thousand loans granted amounts to 80 million pesos.

The governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiarettiled this afternoon the ceremony of handing over the second disbursements of 500 Más Vida Digna credits to families from the city of Córdoba, for an amount of 160,000 pesos.

Thus, the Province’s investment in these 500 loans amounts to 80 million pesos.

From the Bicentennial Civic Center, Schiaretti said goodbye to the families present, who gave him a standing ovation. In this regard, he expressed: “This is one of my last acts as governor of the Province; I want to thank you and all the families of Córdoba for all the trust you placed in me, thank you because you always supported me and thank you because I always felt accompanied by each and every one of the people of Córdoba.”

The program More Decent Life grants Interest-free loans to Córdoba families so they can build or finish a bathroom or bedroom. The loan is granted in two installments: the first with the equivalent of 60 percent and the second, 40 percent.

The provincial leader highlighted that More Dignified Life solved a problem that families had. “It is difficult to get a loan for your own home and it is also very difficult to get a loan to expand the house or finish it; There is no bank that lends.”held.

It should be remembered that, due to the difficult economic situation that the country is going through, in September the governor had announced the strengthening of different provincial programs, for which the amount of the second installment of Más Vida Digna went from 64,000 pesos to 160.000 pesos.

“As inflation has been increasing at a gallop, and this is the responsibility of the current national government, we update this second installment to 160,000 pesos”said Schiaretti.

Present alongside the governor were the provisional president of the Legislature, Francisco Fortuna; the Minister of Habitat and Family Economy, Laura Jure; the Minister of Community Liaison and Communication, Paulo Cassinerio; the Minister of Social Development, Juan Carlos Massei; the Secretary General of the Interior, Julio Comello; and the president of the Córdoba Joven Agency, Matías Anconetani, among others.

Schiaretti highlighted that the provincial government “It is always there so that families who want to progress and improve their home have the possibility of doing so”for which it tends to them “a supportive hand, in a transparent way.”

Finally, Schiaretti wished Happy Holidays to the people of Cordoba. And he said: “Thank you for the support, thank you for the affection, thank you for everything you push for Córdoba to progress; and let’s continue like this, together for Córdoba, for every Córdoba family and for every Córdoba.”

The beneficiaries of the credit who received the corresponding certificate today will be able to collect from the Banco de Córdoba from Wednesday December 13.


More Dignified Life is intended for families who are in a situation of housing deficitthat is, they suffer from critical overcrowding, inadequate sanitation, or insufficient quality of construction materials.

In the last edition of the program, Schiaretti made 50,000 credits available at a zero rate, with a nine-month grace period and to be returned in 60 installments that are updated by 50 percent of the Salary Variation Index.

With the latest update, for those who have not yet received the first disbursements, The total amount of the credit is 400,000 pesos. Its objective is the purchase of construction materials and/or labor to promote access to decent housing, with adequate, ventilated, safe, illuminated environments and built with quality materials.

The program is a continuation of a sustainable public policy that has been providing housing solutions for more than 10 years. More than 168,900 credits have already been granted.

“It is a joy that there are already more than 160 thousand families in Córdoba that have had access to this credit to be able to get a bathroom or the piece they are missing”the governor finally pondered.

People who access this benefit applied through Ciudadano Digital (CiDi) and then went to a draw through the Córdoba Lottery. Subsequently, they were visited by members of the technical team of the Ministry of Habitat and Family Economy and the corresponding municipality to corroborate compliance with the conditions to access the program.

The beneficiaries agreed to the first disbursement, carried out the reforms or modifications to their home in a first stage and requested the second disbursement through the Ministry of Habitat and Family Economy website. In this way, complete transparency is obtained throughout the beneficiary selection process.

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