Éric Ciotti refuses to vote for the government’s bill

by time news

2023-12-09 21:44:09
Eric Ciotti facing Gérald Darmanin, at the National Assembly, December 7, 2023. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

Gérald Darmanin still hoped, Friday on Franceinfo, a ” compromise “ on the bill on immigration which arrives Monday in session at the National Assembly.

For several days, the Republicans have announced that they will not vote on the text in the National Assembly, but in an interview with ParisianSaturday December 9, Eric Ciotti, the president of the Les Républicains party, sets things straight with the presidential camp.

He suggests that he could call for a vote for a rejection motion tabled by environmentalists. “We will decide on our position on Monday”says Mr. Ciotti, regarding this motion, which will be the subject of a vote on Monday at the Palais Bourbon. “The adoption of a motion to reject would result in a new debate on the Senate text”, notes Mr. Ciotti in the interview. He recalls that LR had also tabled a motion of rejection but that it was that of the environmentalist deputies which was drawn by lot.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “Immigration” bill: the right displays its divisions before the examination of the text in the Assembly

“Only the text coming out of the Senate” is suitable for LR

“We want the text of the senatorial right to be preserved. The current bill was completely distorted by the Assembly’s Law Committee under pressure from the Macronist “at the same time”, since we witnessed a total change of course decided by the left wing of the majority and endorsed by Gérald Darmanin »he insists, suggesting that it would be logical to vote for the motion, even tabled by environmentalists whose grievances against the bill are the polar opposite of those of the right. “The only condition for voting on this text would be that the government takes up in full all the points of the Senate and that it commits to working on a constitutional reform approved by referendum”he said. “Courage is not there in this government bill, only communication is there”he laments.

A reference to the reform of the Constitution advocated by LR, which requests in particular that France can deviate from European rules and that Parliament sets each year “migratory ceilings”.

Also read the decryption: Darmanin’s “immigration” bill, the last text in a long series of 117 since 1945

If all the oppositions united on Monday in favor of the motion, the examination of the bill would be interrupted immediately in the Assembly. Which would give control back to the Senate, unless the government convenes a joint committee of elected officials from both chambers. But the LR deputies are divided. For its part, the RN maintains the mystery about its position. The latter will not disclose its strategy before Monday, said RN MP Laure Lavalette on Friday. While his colleague Jean-Philippe Tanguy told Agence France Presse on Thursday that the RN would not vote for it, wishing “debate”.

In this same interview, Mr. Ciotti suggests giving up organizing the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games on the Seine, because security might not be guaranteed there. “The attack on the Eiffel Tower showed our immense fragilities in terms of security.” According to him, “We have to think of a plan B, for example at the Stade de France, in a closed and secure place. I ask the government to have no taboos when it comes to the security of the French people”he adds.

Tribune: Article reserved for our subscribers Claire Hédon, Defender of Rights: “The draft “immigration law”, a text of major seriousness for fundamental rights”

Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

#Éric #Ciotti #refuses #vote #governments #bill

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