Pass Covid 19 to the lens of the NBC, The philosopher Maurizio Mori: “Epochal turning point”

by time news

Did you want a radical change of pace? No, it will not be the vaccines, nor the tampons, nor the new generation treatments, but a simple sheet, difficult to counterfeit, complete with a barcode (the European one). Pass Covid 19. Yes, it will be he who will become the real director of the paradigm shift: a medical certificate, but today, it is much more.

He underlined it today, in a note, in the margin of the opinion of the essays of National Bioethics Committee, the philosopher Maurizio Mori, full professor of moral philosophy in Turin: “This is an epochal turning point”.

Thus he denounces an excess of simplification in the debate because with this certificate of non-contagiousness health has become a social construct, determined more and more by technical tools and not by nature. In short, before asking how you are and verifying it seriously, I will give you the test, because maybe you are a bearer of problems for others, even if you are fine. Separating the concept of the patient from that of the healthy carrier of the infection was certainly the prerequisite for inserting the new instrument, the tampon. Even if it is approximate and perhaps fallacious. Furthermore, the Covid 19 Pass is a precondition for exercising personal freedoms in daily life.

“It will lead to a change in the doctor-patient relationship, medical data and responsibility for one’s own health and that of others, the administrative justice of medical resources, the criteria for triage, risking to pass a real biological passport as a simple routine “, Mori points out. Furthermore, according to the NBC’s opinion, it involves a psychological risk: thinking that everything is fine, even when the three requested and alternative criteria are not equivalent (vaccination carried out anticovid, antibodies, after healing or tampon). For the members of the NBC who analyze the pros and cons, the false sense of security, the organizational problems and the risk that the Pass constitutes the premise for wider surveillance measures on the health conditions of the population are emphasized. And the advantages? A necessary reward for those who have been vaccinated, a vaccine incentive for the hesitant and a useful tool to mitigate discrimination in facilitating the resumption of economic and social activities.

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