The UN Secretary General opens the door to the end of fossil fuels at different speeds

by time news

2023-12-11 11:53:53

The Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, affirmed that Monday that the success of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change of Dubai (COP28) inevitably involves achieving an agreement on the end of fossil fuelsalthough it opened the door for this to be done at different speeds depending on the country.

“The COP covers many aspects (…) but, in my opinion, a central aspect of success will be reaching a consensus on the need to phase out fossil fuels, in line with the 1.5 degree limit [de aumento de temperaturas globales para finales de siglo respecto a la era preindustrial]. That does not mean that all countries should do it at the same time,” Guterres said in a massive appearance before the press.

According to the UN Secretary General, negotiators must go beyond arbitrary red lines and blocking tactics to agree on solutions without compromising science

With about 24 hours left until the official end of the Conference, “there are still a few gaps to close,” lamented the Secretary General of the United Nations, who told the negotiators that it is time to demonstrate “maximum ambition and maximum flexibility“.

“Ministers and negotiators must go beyond the arbitrary red linesentrenched positions and blocking tactics” in order to agree on solutions without compromising sciencehe added.

“In our divided world, COP28 can demonstrate that multilateralism remains the best we have to address global challenges,” said the top UN representative, who insisted on asking the parties for “ambition to reduce emissions,” as well as to achieve “climate justice.”

“We must offer a clear plan to triple renewable energyduplicate the energy efficiency and focus on addressing the root cause of the climate crisis: the production and consumption of fossil fuel“, a transformation that, of course, “will not occur overnight,” he pointed out.

“Timelines and objectives may be different for countries with different levels of development”

António Guterres

At this point, he stressed that the needs of the developing countries that depend largely on the production of fossil fuels and that the transition must take into account “the principle of responsibilities common but differentiated and respective capacities depending on national circumstances”.

“Los schedule and objectives may be different for countries with different levels of development (…), but everything must be consistent with the global objective of achieving net zero emissions in 2050 and preserving the 1.5 degree goal,” he noted.

“We must conclude COP28 with an ambitious outcome that demonstrates decisive action and credible plan to keep 1.5 degrees alive and protect those on the front lines of the climate crisis,” said Guterres, referring to the global warming limit indicated by science and countries. most vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis.

Rights: Creative Commons.

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