The Sanofi factory which produces Dépakine still the source of unusual toxic releases

by time news

2023-12-11 17:30:44
The factory of French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi in Mourenx (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), July 9, 2018. MEHDI FEDOUACH/AFP

Between November 15 and November 21, the Sanofi factory in Mourenx (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) which produces Dépakine released bromopropane into the atmosphere in quantities (156 mg/m3) which exceed the limit by more than 75 times. authorized (2 mg/m3), learned The world. Bromopropane is included in the composition of the antiepileptic drug. It is classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and possibly reprotoxic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and is subject to self-monitoring by the manufacturer.

According to information from Monde, Sanofi waited until Wednesday, December 6 to inform industrialists and authorities during a monitoring committee of the Lacq chemical basin site which brings together around twenty installations classified Seveso, synonymous with dangerous activities for man and the environment. environment. The excesses were discussed at the end of the meeting in the « points divers ».

The French pharmaceutical group has been the target of a judicial investigation since 2022, particularly for endangering others after the revelation, in 2018, of massive releases of bromopropane and sodium valproate, the active substance in Dépakine.

Coincidentally, it was also on November 15 that a first complaint was filed against Monde, has never taken Dépakine but her two children have neurodevelopmental disorders (autism) similar to those observed in children exposed in utero. She has worked since 2011 in an office located about fifty meters from the Sanofi chimney. Two days after the complaint was filed, on November 17, Sanofi assured Monde to have “undertaken a large investment program on its Mourenx installation, which meets all prefectural emissions requirements”.

Also read the survey: Article reserved for our subscribers Around the Sanofi factory which produces Depakine, families are breaking the silence about their children’s illnesses

“Contrary to what the group claims, these new toxic releases are proof that Sanofi has not done everything necessary and continues to emit substances into the atmosphere that are dangerous for the health of the population, reacts Marine Martin, the president of the Association supporting parents of children suffering from anticonvulsant syndrome (Apesac), civil party in the current procedure. This is why it is all the more important that justice completes its investigation into the health consequences of this pollution. »

« Incident grave »

The CGT is also a civil party in the investigation opened in 2022. “ Sanofi did not inform the representative bodies of this serious incident, this is not normal, thunders Jean-Louis Peyren, coordinator of the CGT at Sanofi. We should not be surprised if people doubt Sanofi’s good faith. » Contacted, the pharmaceutical group evokes a “ isolated and very brief event linked to the degradation of the activated carbons of the treatment unit following the severe bad weather which affected the region in the preceding days. “The coals were replaced and bromopropane emissions returned to compliance, allowing production to resume following agreement from the authorities,” the same source indicates.

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