Identity crisis and political conformism: the Meloni government and the controversies over gender education in Italian schools – VP News

by time news

2023-12-10 22:54:21

The current centre-right government has surprisingly acted to further the opposition’s agenda, creating confusion in the public school system, already grappling with an identity crisis. In this context, the role of education, which should be a means to promote the critical and free spirit, fundamental in a true democracy, seems to be questioned.

Recently, the Meloni-led government, through its education minister, decided to fund and introduce a lesson program in public schools covering topics such as gender theory, fluid genders, femicide and gender equality. This move is seen by many as an attempt to impose a specific political agenda, influenced by powerful groups with extensive international resources.

The organization Pro Life and Family expressed strong dissent, in particular regarding the appointment of a commission of experts, among which Paola Concia stands out, known for her political positions. They criticized the choice of Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara, arguing that he does not reflect the values ​​of the majority of voters who support the Meloni government.

Also an editorial from the site Nicola Porro he reacted negatively, underlining that Minister Valditara should resign. The main criticism is that the “re-education” project undertaken by the government interferes excessively in personal matters such as relationships and affections, in a context of almost public monopoly on education.

Furthermore, the absence of a real emergency regarding issues such as feminicide in Italy is contested, seeing the project as a surrender to “woke” feminism and an unnecessary war between the sexes.

“Minister Valditara’s main responsibility is not having had the courage to say – nor the ability to think so, we fear – that there is no femicide emergency in Italy, there is no patriarchy emergency, as shown by the data we reported a few days ago in Alleanza Quotidiano. Yes, we are “denialists” on this too.”

Furthermore, it also highlights the need to respect the rules and authority of teachers in schools, rather than imposing a specific ideology.

“Respect is certainly a value that our schools should educate. But it is not a value to be “administered” in an hour of “lesson”. It is something that is built every day, starting with respect for the rules. And it is this, first of all, that has failed in our schools. The moment of punishment of those who do not behave politely and in a manner appropriate to the context in which they find themselves, disrespecting their classmates, teachers, but also simply the places and goods made available, from a book to the bathrooms.

Fearing humiliation and causing trauma, the moment of punishment has disappeared in our schools and the teaching body has lost its authority. But impunity, the sense that everything is permitted, that one’s actions have no consequences, and that one will never be held accountable for one’s actions, is at the origin of moral degradation”.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

In conclusion, the project is seen as a “Trojan horse” to introduce “woke” and gender ideology into schools, and a demonstration of cultural and psychological subjugation by the government, which seems to fight the culture wars alongside the their opponents rather than fighting them.

“We already know what will enter through this door opened by Valditara, we’ve seen it happen in America. And it is naive to think of limiting the scope of the “project”, or of exercising bureaucratic control over the materials used, with Indire courses and consultancy from the Order of Psychologists and Educationists.

The woke and gender ideology already has its workers in schools and ministries, in the world of associations and in other cultural agencies of the country. The centre-right government today launches a project, prepares structures, identifies figures, authorizes a path, clears an ideological agenda. A future left-wing government will be legitimized to use and develop these weapons of indoctrination with all the unscrupulousness of which it is capable. In short, a real Trojan horse to push woke and gender ideology into schools.”

It is clear that the current political dynamics, which began with the current government, could continue and evolve with a future change of government between the right and the left. In terms of foreign policy, we observe a marked subservience of the Meloni government, which seems to passively follow the directives of an emerging world government, an entity that is gradually taking shape, in a global context marked by an increase in conflicts and tensions. Initially, this trend of conformity and harm was thought to be limited to foreign policy, but now it appears to extend to the cultural and identity foundations of our country.

This situation should be an important factor for voters when they vote for the renewal of the European Parliament next year. It is crucial that they take these dynamics and their long-term implications into consideration, carefully evaluating their political choices when they have to vote on the renewal of the European Parliament next year.

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