Rising Mental Health Issues Among Japanese Workers: A Result of Post-Pandemic Work Environment Changes

by time news

2023-12-13 00:00:02
The Struggle of Japanese Youth in the Workplace: Rising Mental Health Issues

The reopening of offices in Japan after the coronavirus pandemic has seen a concerning rise in work-related mental health issues among young employees. A survey conducted by the Japan Productivity Center revealed a significant increase in the number of workers in their twenties and thirties facing psychological difficulties at work.

The survey highlighted a marked increase in the percentage of young workers experiencing mental health issues, with the rate among those in their twenties rising to 43.9% compared to 29.0% in the previous year. Workers in their thirties also experienced an increase, reaching 26.8%.

The reasons behind this surge in mental health issues among young workers are attributed to factors such as increased psychological pressures, social tension, and economic changes in the workplace. The shift in work culture that prioritizes mental health awareness is reflected in companies’ efforts to support employees facing such challenges through assistance and guidance.

The transition from remote work to returning to the physical office is considered a significant factor impacting the work experience for young workers. The survey noted that the period of remote work during the pandemic hindered the development of personal relationships and skills, making it difficult for employees to adapt to the new changes and social dynamics within companies upon their return to the office.

Recognizing the need for strategies to support young workers, companies are urged to provide training on adapting to the new work environment and offer psychosocial support to facilitate smooth integration within operational teams.

The survey also revealed a decline in the percentage of companies reporting an increase in psychological problems among employees since 2006, reaching a low in the 2021 survey at 22.9%. However, the latest poll shows a rise in this percentage.

The changes in the work environment due to the pandemic, such as the transition from in-office to remote work and changes in schedules, are believed to have affected the mental health and work-life balance of employees. It is essential to monitor these changes and their impact on workers’ mental health to ensure they receive the support needed to adapt to ongoing changes in the work environment.

The survey, conducted between July and September 2023, received responses from 169 out of 2,847 companies and has been a biennial occurrence since 2002. It is crucial for companies to closely monitor the trends and be proactive in revising policies and strategies to support the mental health and wellbeing of their employees in light of these evolving challenges.]
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