Communication Trends 2024: Artificial and emotional intelligence, authenticity, personalization and transparency

by time news

2023-12-12 11:00:45

The great thinkers of history have agreed that the only thing constant over time is change. How does this maxim affect the field of communication? ESSENTIAL shares the trends that will star in the year that is about to begin, surely marked by the widespread use of artificial intelligence tools that have had a great boom during 2023.

Artificial Intelligence and automation

The way we communicate has undergone a revolution due to artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. In 2024 these technologies will continue to grow and will play a fundamental role in communication strategies that will experience an unusual paradox. On the one hand, agencies must take advantage of the advantages offered by AI to analyze enormous amounts of data, automate repetitive tasks, improve efficiency in some procedures and offer differential services to clients.

These rapid, automated responses still do not replace the emotion and authenticity of human communication; So the use of data analysis tools can be very useful to collect information about a customer who demands messages and experiences that meet their individual preferences, and this personalization of the message will strengthen the connection between company and customer.

Augmented, virtual and mixed reality

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are new formulas for interaction in the digital world, without forgetting mixed reality (MR). Thanks to these technologies, users can learn about products, services and environments in an immersive way. The elements that make up a communication plan for the client to tell their story are updated, with ingredients such as new interactive experiences, the visualization of products in 3D or the holding of virtual events.

The importance of the story

Given this paradigm, unusual and original quality content, well articulated and then adapted to the best format, is a trend that will survive the years that pass. Passionate messages, inspiring and overcoming stories, real testimonies, engaging advertising campaigns that show human values, continue to be the basis for establishing a lasting relationship between companies and clients.

The brand ambassadors who champion the messages of the customer story and the new influencers who show each brand attribute with increasing amplification, also form a very important part of the strategic communication plan, as well as an increasingly larger budget item.

New formats

Once again, we are witnessing a moment full of opportunities in terms of formats, since the traditional one is intertwined with the possibilities offered by audiovisual content, ephemeral or in real time. The growth and rise of new social networks (such as TikTok, which increases its number of users and possibilities) is also mixed with the birth of other communication formulas and possibilities, such as podcasts, something that a few years ago was unthinkable.

Many of the communication plans also focus on meeting the user’s need to participate in conversations and thus develop a long-awaited feeling of collaboration and belonging to communities, which is why the creation of high-quality videos and productions is an maximum and the message adapts to new dimensions such as short videos, reels, stories…

Ethics, trust and sustainability

As technology advances, it also becomes more invasive, and making the client aware of how they use the data they obtain with technological management is also the job of the communication agency. Transparency and honesty are key and very useful to generate trust between both the client and the user and for the agency to maintain a loyal client.

Guiding the client towards an honest communication strategy also improves their business objectives, since the perception they will receive from the user will be more positive and aligned with values ​​such as authenticity and responsibility, without forgetting an element that has entered our lives. to stay: sustainability. A business commitment that has become much more than an object of social responsibility and that is positioned as an opportunity for growth and differentiation, even on the path to business excellence.

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