in the final sprint, IRDH sheds light on the controversy over the nationality of the katumbi candidate – Congo Indépendant

by time news

2023-12-13 14:39:43

Maître Tshiswaka Masoka Hubert

The Human Rights Research Institute (IRDH) examined the relevant questions raised by the Deputy Prime Minister (VPM) and Minister of National Defense, Mr. BEMBA GOMBO Jean-Pierre, as well as the journalist LITSANI CHOUKRAN, regarding movements towards the United States and the alleged Zambian passport held by candidate KATUMBI CHAPWE Moïse.

Indeed, during his new show on YouTube, entitled VAR ELECTORALE RDC, the journalist LITSANI published a documentary, based on the official website of the American government. This documentary takes up the questioning of VPM BEMBA on a Zambian passport that Mr. KATUMBI, to travel to the United States. A list of entries and exits into this country is provided.

For the sake of enlightening the voter and a possible request for invalidation of this candidacy, the IRDH undertook the cross-verification. This research led him to request consultation of the accused candidate’s travel documents, passports and visas. Below is the conclusion of the analysis.

Candidate KATUMBI responded favorably, by making available to the IRDH all six passports he used between 2009 and 2023: (i) OB0004122 (issued on 05.19.2009, expired on 05.18.2014); (ii) OB0753160 (12.02.2015 – 11.02.2020); (iii) OP0520615 (28.02.2019 – 27.02.2024); (iv) OP0617683 (21.09.2019 – 20.09.2024); (v) OP0706522 (04.04.2020 – 03.04.2025) and (vi) OP1304731 (27.03.2023 – 26.03.2028).

It appears from the examination of the passports that the United States Embassy based in Lusaka granted five B1/B2 visas to Mr. KATUMBI. On January 13, 2020, using passport OP0520615, he entered the USA, with visa number 20192141470001, valid from 10.25.2019 to 01.22.2020. There is another record of entry, on November 13, 2021, with visa number 20212990010001, stamped in passport OP0706522. In this same passport, he obtained visa numbers 2022096299001 (valid from 10.09.2022 to 09.12.2022) and 20222511990001 (valid from 10.09.2022 to 09.12.2022). And, the last visa is under the number 20232709190001 (valid from 03.10.2023 to 01.10.2025), in passport number OP1304731.

Following the ELECTORAL VAR process, the IRDH entered on the said American site, one after the other, all six numbers of Mr. KATUMBI’s passports, provided above. The result is that, for each passport, the same list of data published by Journalist Litsani appears, under the number of the Zambian passport in question.

Here: (i) The arrival of Mr. KATUMBI in the United States on November 13, 2022 (by WILL) is listed at number 2 on the list of the said site. It is noted by the seal of the American immigration services, on page 23 of his passport number OP0706522; (ii) His departure is listed at number 1 on the list. It is evidenced by the seal, on page 25 of the same passport; (iii) its arrival on November 13, 2021 (by BGM) is listed at number 5 on the site’s list. It is noted by the seal, on page 19 of the same passport OP0706522; (iv) the arrival of January 13, 2020 (by BGM) is found at number 7 on the site’s list. It is on page 27 of passport OP 0520615.

This research concludes with an observation: The various entry and exit movements, archived on the American site, attributed to a Zambian passport, are actually listed in the various Congolese passports of Mr. KATUMBI that the IRDH consulted. Such elements cannot support a request for invalidation of candidacy. Therefore, the IRDH recommends in-depth research to VAR Electorale RDC.

In the meantime, given the speed of the electoral sprint. May the campaign continue peacefully and MAY THE BEST WIN.

Maître BREAK DISASTER HubertDirector General of IRDH
Phone: +243851103409, Email: [email protected]



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