Despite peace talks, 2023 will be the year with the most kidnappings since the signing of the Peace Agreement

by time news

2023-12-13 14:45:44

The Pares Foundation presented a worrying panorama of the increase in extortionate kidnappings throughout the country, one of the great failures of Gustavo Petro’s government, taking into account that one of its main political flags is total peace with all armed groups. from the country.

After an analysis of recent years, the report “Kidnapping: challenge of total peace” concluded that this year 2023 is considered the year with the worst figures: with 287 cases it is the highest figure in the last 7 years and a complete failure for the policy of the current Petro government.

In context: Kidnapping, in all its forms, increased by 88% throughout Antioquia

According to data from the Statistical, Contraventional and Operational Crime Information System of the National Police (SIEDCO), since 2016, when the peace agreements were signed, there has been a significant decrease in this scourge. However, as of 2019, there has been a substantial increase in its numbers, which for 2020 was 75% (92 cases in 2019 vs. 162 cases in 2020).

According to SIEDCO, the number of kidnappings in 2021 was 160, 2 less than in 2020; but in 2022 it increased again, adding 223 cases; and grew dramatically in 2023, adding 287 cases until October.

“As of December, it is very possible that the year will close with the highest peak since 2016,” they say.

More number of armed groups in Colombia

The report from the Pares Foundation assures that the increase in this scourge is mainly due to two factors: the first consists of the proliferation of Organized Armed Groups and Organized Crime Groups due to the inattention of the Duque government. Colombia went from having 18 armed groups in 2018 to 43 in 2022.

The other factor has to do with the drop in the price of coca that is felt in some territories of the country and the increase in the cost of inputs. This could have led armed and criminal groups to see kidnapping as a source of quick and low-cost income.

Faced with the analysis of total peace, the main banner of the Petro government, the Pares foundation emphasizes that in his government there are no positive effects in the negotiations with the Armed Groups and the ELN. The worrying government figures show that since August 2022, 411 kidnapping events have been recorded, according to the SIEDCO of the National Police.

Regarding those responsible for these events, data cited by the JEP assure that the ELN only accounts for 11% of the kidnapping cases and the dissidents of the Central General Staff (EMC) account for 10%.

For 60% of the kidnapping cases recorded between August 2022 and October 2023, the alleged perpetrator is not known.

In fact, the Ombudsman’s Office published an alert this week in which it made a list with the names of 91 people who were kidnapped throughout the country and called on the ELN and the dissidents to recognize which people each group has and when they will be released.

“The fact that the reduction in kidnapping does not depend on the commitment of the armed actors at the dialogue tables does not mean that immediate actions by the Government and the Public Force are not required, starting with having better and more information, prevention and reduction of impunity,” stated the Pares Foundation.

Regarding the geographical distribution of this scourge, the report shows that between August 2022 and October 2023, the municipalities most impacted by cases of kidnapping are: Bogotá (24%), Cali (23%), Cúcuta ( 21%), Medellín (20%) and Buenaventura (12%). Data that shows that kidnapping is a crime that mainly affects large capitals.

“What this shows is that kidnapping is a crime that mainly affects large capitals, that is, where criminal gangs associated with common crime generally operate, which use kidnapping for ransom as a preeminent source of income and financing.” , the report added.

For now, the ELN continues without reaching a definitive agreement to end the kidnapping. However, Iván Mordisco’s dissidents did commit to stopping this crime to advance peace talks.

#peace #talks #year #kidnappings #signing #Peace #Agreement

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