This is how you can donate to fundraising projects from TF and LDS

by time news

2023-12-14 00:58:02

Dahmeland-Fläming. Christmas time is Sterntaler time at MAZ. Every year, the MAZ regional editorial team Dahmeland-Fläming, together with the DRK district association Fläming-Spreewald and the Alliance for Families Königs Wusterhausen, appeal for donations for needy families and social projects in Teltow-Fläming and Dahme-Spreewald. Over 35,000 euros were raised last year. And this year you, dear readers, can have a say in which projects these are.

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We had already called on sponsors of such projects and initiatives to apply for funding from the Sterntaler pot in September. We received a total of twelve proposals that meet the funding criteria – large and small initiatives from the two districts. They are up for voting from now until December 1st.

The principle: The project that receives the most votes in this vote will be the first to receive support from Sterntaler funds. Once the desired amount has been reached and there is still money left, it is the turn of the project with the second most votes, and this is also financed, the one with the third most – and so it goes down the line. Whether all projects receive money ultimately depends on the willingness of MAZ readers to donate. The gifts for the needy families are secured: The money for them is first taken from the donation account.

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Why do we do it like this? In Teltow-Fläming and Dahme-Spreewald there are so many associations and initiatives that care about the common good that it is difficult to choose. The money from the Sterntaler campaign should go where it is really needed – hence the open call for proposals to which everyone could apply. At the same time, you, dear readers, should have a say in where the Sterntaler donations go.

This is how you can donate to Sterntaler

The MAZ supports needy families and social projects in the Sterntaler campaign with its partners, the DRK Fläming-Spreewald and the Alliance for the Königs Wusterhausen Family.

If you would like to take part in the Sterntaler donation appeal, please do so under the Sterntaler donation account of the DRK Fläming-Spreewald.

The account details:

Recipient: DRK District Association Fläming-Spreewald eV

IBAN: DE 30 1605 0000 3633 0275 39


Purpose: Star thaler

The names of the donors are regularly published in the MAZ and on If you don’t want this, you should note “Anonymous” in the intended purpose. If you would like a donation receipt, you must include your address in the intended purpose or send it by email to [email protected].

These are the projects, all of which will be presented in detail in the MAZ and on in the coming days:

Family weekend of the Down Syndrome Luckenwalde self-help group

Since 2010, around 25 families with children with Down syndrome and other disabilities from the entire Teltow-Fläming district have met regularly in the self-help group to exchange ideas and support each other. A break in Elsterpark Herzberg is to be organized for these families for a weekend.

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Forest Christmas party in the Waldhaus Blankenfelde

In the run-up to Christmas, the Mittelbrandenburg Landscape Conservation Association would like to organize a forest Christmas party for socially disadvantaged families from the Blankenfelde-Mahlow area. The families should spend a few carefree hours around the club’s forest house.

Laptop for Felz Zeuthen’s Ukraine project

Since the first refugees from Ukraine arrived, a lot has been done at the House of Meeting in Zeuthen to help them integrate. The Ukrainians would like to give something back and have, among other things, founded a music group. A laptop is required to organize rehearsals and record music.

New fridge-freezer combination for Felz Zeuthen

The Felz association (For a Zeuthen worth living in) has been committed to running the House of Encounters in the Forstweg in Zeuthen since 2020. A variety of projects take place in the house. The centerpiece is the open meeting place, which also includes a kitchen where the “Cooking Outside the Box” project takes place. For the kitchen there, the club needs a new fridge-freezer combination for storing food.

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Outdoor painting board for the Niedergörsdorf Education Association

The students at Blönsdorf elementary school and the after-school care center there would like an outdoor painting board for the schoolyard. It consists of a wooden frame and acrylic glass and can be painted on both sides. It is to be set up by the Niedergörsdorf Support Association for Education and Training.

Christmas dinner in the Altes Lager soup kitchen

The Altes Lager fire brigade association organizes a soup kitchen every Sunday. For this offer and the planned Christmas dinner there on December 24th, the association still needs donations to purchase food.

“K’aos” group from the Rock and Rhythms Against Cancer Dahme association

The Rock and Rhythms Against Cancer association has set up the self-help group “K’aos” in Dahme, where those affected by cancer can meet and exchange ideas. She also organizes creative afternoons or a performance by a musician. There was no such contact point in the rural region before. For the voluntary work, the group asks for donations for materials or a fee for the musician or speaker.

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Water playground for Glienick

The Education Association in Glienick would like to set up a small water playground in the Zossen district that can be used by the daycare center and other children.

Baking cookies for seniors at the Zossen Family Center

At the Kleeblatt family center in Zossen, GAG Klausdorf wants to give children the opportunity to bake cookies on several afternoons. The finished cookies will then be distributed to various retirement homes in the area. The association is asking for donations for the material.

New kitchen for the Schöbendorf clubhouse

The Schöbendorf eV association takes care of cultural and social life in the Zossen district. However, the kitchen in the clubhouse is now showing its age and urgently needs to be replaced. The association is asking for support for this.

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Showcase for the city of life

The Lebensstadt association would like to set up a showcase on the former hospital site in Zossen to draw attention to its work and the revitalization and further development of the former Zossen hospital site.

We are moving school at the 1st new elementary school in Ludwigsfelde

The DRK is planning a five-day dance project with three professional dance trainers at the first new elementary school in Ludwigsfelde. The project is intended to strengthen the cohesion of the students at the school who do not yet have their own building and are housed in the rooms of the Gottlieb Daimler Comprehensive School. There is also a lack of exercise among the students, and there have also been some incidents such as verbal abuse, physical attacks and insults.

Have you found your favorite project? Then vote! We are giving away a 50 euro voucher for the Biberblick restaurant in Schmöckwitz and three Potsdam puzzles among all participants. You can find the vote at


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