The ISE audiovisual fair brings almost 400 million to Barcelona

by time news

2023-12-14 00:01:08

The fair for the audiovisual sector and systems integration Integrated System Europe (WHEREAS), held from January 31 to February 3 in Barcelona, ​​contributed to the Catalan capital about 385 million euros, according to a study commissioned by the organization of the event, based on the ‘input-output’ methodology designed by the Nobel Prize winner in Economics Wassily Leontief. This exhibition, the most important in the world in this sector, landed at the Fira de Barcelona in 2021 and has contributed to placing the Catalan capital on the map of the audiovisual industry globally.

According to the analysis, this professional sample had a direct economic impact of 243 million and indirect economic impact of 142 million. The 2023 edition was attended by 58,107 people from 155 countries who, in total, They spent 130 million euros during their stay in the city. Furthermore, the arrival of ISE to the Catalan capital two years ago has allowed it to attract new businesses from the audiovisual sector and integrated systems to the local ecosystem. It is the case of B-Tech, Lang, Aztec, Midwich, Lightware, InFiLED o LiveUwhich have been installed in Barcelona.

Lasting legacy

Mike Blackmangeneral director of Integrated Systems Events, assures that the objective is to “build a lasting legacyor in the city, together with our local partners, and help consolidate the audiovisual ecosystem in the country, while we work to transfer the positive impact of audiovisual solutions to citizens.” The economic contribution of this professional fair, to that of Mobile World Congress (MWC), which extends its celebration in Barcelona until 2030, although with the intention of remaining indefinitely in the city, whose last edition contributed 461 million euros.

It is anticipated that ISE 2024, what will take place from January 30 to February 2sea the largest edition of the event to date. With over 1,200 exhibitors confirmed, and the largest exhibition space in the history of ISE, some of the highlights of this upcoming edition include seven expanded technological zonesthe European / Latin American AV Summit, which will be the first European and Latin American audiovisual summit; or different audiovisual projects in the city.

In this section, the Tech Tours throughout Barcelonawhich will show how the audiovisual industry influences all aspects of our lives in areas such as retail, culture, sports or the residential sector.

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During the next edition the 20th anniversary of the event will be celebrated. The fair program will include a series of special events to celebrate this milestone. “These activities will not only pay tribute to the two decades of ISE’s existence, but will also reflect on the extraordinary journey that began in Geneva in 2004, showing the evolution and trajectory of the event over the years,” explains the organization.

“ISE 2024 is set to be the biggest edition in our history, and we can’t wait to share with visitors from around the world how the latest innovations and the most creative minds in the sector are transforming the way we live, work, create and play” says Mike Blackman.

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