Antiflu-Des, what is it, what is it for and who should not take it?

by time news

2023-12-14 20:09:10

The common cold or flu is one of the most common conditions, so people look for effective remedies, that’s why we tell you what is Antiflu-Des and what you should know before taking it.

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What is Antiflu-Des and what is it for?

According to Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Specialtieshe Antiflu-Des a flu medicine formulated with three main ingredients: Amantadine, chlorphenamine and paracetamol.

According to experts, this medication is indicated to control symptoms of flu or influenza type A, such as:

HeadachesRunny noseCut bodyGeneral malaise

It is one of the most used anti-flu medications nationwide.

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How long does it take for Antiflu-Des to take effect?

The maximum effectiveness of this medication is usually achieved in less than an hour for adults, and the dose of acetaminophen is eliminated from the body in approximately 24 hours after use.

How many days is it recommended to take Antiflu-Des?

It is recommended to first go for a review with a professional, however, in the Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Specialties it is mentioned that the general route of administration is one capsule every 6 or 8 hours in adults and children over 12 years of age.

In addition, the minimum duration of treatment should be at least 5 days to avoid viral resistance to amantadine, one of the components of the Antiflu-Des.

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Who should not take Antiflu-Des?

It is important to mention that, although it is a widely recommended anti-flu, there are some considerations that a certain group of people should have before taking it.

It should not be taken or taken under medical supervision by people who have hypersensitivity to the components of Antiflu-Des, in addition to those who have active or severe liver disease, or who have liver damage.

Also, people who have uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias or psychiatric or neurological diseases without medical supervision or control.

Finally, people over 65 years of age should consult with a professional about the frequency of doses to avoid complications.

According to experts, there are not enough studies to show that using Antiflu-Des by pregnant or lactating women is 100% safe, since amantadine can be excreted through breast milk, reaching the baby directly. Therefore, it is recommended that, if this medication is used during breastfeeding, the child be kept under observation.

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What are the side effects of Antiflu-Des?

Some of the side effects of Antiflu-Des components include:

Nausea and/or vomitingAbdominal painAnemiaLiver damageInsomniaHeadacheDizzinessConfusionHallucinationsDrowsinessBlurry visionDry mouthPalpitationsShortness of breath

Amantadine may also have cardiovascular effects and, in some patients, increase the probability of myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, and arterial hypotension, among others.

Now that you know what is Antiflu-DesRemember that the ideal is not to self-medicate and it is better to go for a medical check-up and consultation as soon as symptoms of illness appear in the body.

If you want to know about alternatives to treat colds or flu other than Antiflu-Des, we share this video with you.


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