First programmable logical quantum processor

by time news

2023-12-14 12:47:44

Quantum processor – FLICKR


Harvard physicists have created the first programmable quantum logic processor, capable of encode up to 48 logical qubits and execute hundreds of logic gate operations.

Published in NatureThis is a key milestone in the pursuit of stable and scalable quantum computing, an ultra-high-speed technology that will enable revolutionary advances in a variety of fields, including medicine, science and finance, according to the university. it’s a statement.

The system is the first demonstration of large-scale algorithm execution on an error-correcting quantum computer, heralding the arrival of early fault-tolerant or reliably uninterrupted quantum computing.

Professor Mikhail Lukin, who led the research, described the achievement as a potential turning point similar to the early days in the field of artificial intelligence: the long-theorized ideas of quantum error correction and fault tolerance, They are starting to bear fruit.

“I think this is one of the moments where it’s clear that something very special is coming,” Lukin said. “While there are still challenges ahead, we hope this new breakthrough will greatly accelerate progress toward useful large-scale quantum computers.”

In quantum computing, A quantum bit or “qubit” is a unit of information, just like a binary bit in classical computing. For more than two decades, physicists and engineers have shown the world that quantum computing is, in principle, possible by manipulating quantum particles (whether atoms, ions or photons) to create physical qubits.

But successfully exploiting the weirdness of quantum mechanics for computing is more complicated than simply accreting a large enough number of qubits, which are inherently unstable and prone to collapsing out of their quantum states.

The true ‘coins of the kingdom’ are the so-called logical qubits– Redundant, error-correcting packets of physical qubits, which can store information for use in a quantum algorithm. The creation of logical qubits as controllable units (like classical bits) has been a fundamental obstacle for this field, and it is generally accepted that until quantum computers can work reliably with logical qubits, the technology will not be able to really take off.

To date, the best computing systems have been shown to have one or two logical qubits and a quantum gate operation (similar to a single unit of code) between them.

The Harvard team’s breakthrough is based on several years of work on a quantum computing architecture known as a neutral atom array, of which the Lukin laboratory was a pioneer.

The key component of the system is a block of ultracold suspended rubidium atoms, in which the atoms (the physical qubits of the system) can move and connect in pairs (or “entangle”) mid-calculation.

Entangled pairs of atoms form gates, which are units of computing power. Previously, the team had demonstrated low error rates in its interleaving operations, which demonstrates the reliability of its neutral atom matrix system.

With their logical quantum processor, the researchers now demonstrate parallel multiplexed control of an entire patch of logical qubits, using lasers. This result is more efficient and scalable than having to control individual physical qubits.

The team will continue working to demonstrate more types of operations on its 48 logical qubits and configure its system to run continuously, rather than manually cycling as it does now.

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