Will France Télévisions end the broadcast of all films with Gérard Depardieu? – Liberation

by time news

2023-12-12 18:20:42

Contrary to what was understood after the broadcast of “Complément d’investigation”, France Télés is not going to completely stop broadcasting films starring the actor accused of sexual violence.

Beyond the thirteen accusations of sexual violence relayed by Mediapart in the spring, the broadcast, Thursday, December 7, of an additional investigation dedicated to the “fall of the ogre” Depardieu seems to have ratified an awareness in the community of film production. One scene, in particular, left its mark: taken from a never-broadcast documentary by Yann Moix, it shows the actor sexualizing and making filthy remarks aimed at many women in North Korea, and in particular a little girl.

On Saturday, several publications relating in particular to the position of the France Télévisions group, broadcaster and co-producer of certain films with Gérard Depardieu, appeared on the networks. “It is [suffisamment] historical to be underlined, relays in particular an account following media news, France Télévisions announces suspending rebroadcasts of all films in which Gérard Depardieu appears. The public service regularly broadcast the comedies La Chèvre, Les Compères and Les Fugitifs on France 3, in particular. Manuel Alduy, director of the cinema division of France TV, also announces that he is opposed to any future collaboration of the public service with films in which Gérard Depardieu appears.

These posts follow an article published on Jean-Marc Morandini’s website entitled “France Télévisions announces that it is suspending the broadcast on its channels of all films with Gérard Depardieu after the France 2 investigation”. And in which we can read: “For his part, the cinema director of France Télévisions, Manuel Alduy, announces that he will suspend broadcasting with Gérard Depardieu on all of the group’s channels and refuse any new production in which the actor could appear .”

“Completely review our distribution plans”

On social networks, several members of France Télévisions have since reacted to these publications, indicating in particular that they were false. What is it really ?

Manuel Alduy, director of cinema and international development at France Télévisions, speaks in Complément d’investigation. He then states: “The collective indictment by around fifteen women at the beginning of 2023 had the immediate consequence for us, which was to completely review our distribution plans. We must not celebrate Gérard Depardieu. It’s just not possible. That’s the first thing. The second is that we put on hold the possible projects that would be submitted to us with Gérard Depardieu.

An intervention which does not indicate, word for word, that rebroadcasts of films with Gérard Depardieu are now banned from the air. But who nevertheless seems quite categorical in a desire to distance himself from the actor.

“A quieter, more opportune moment”

It is clear that the channel has since adopted a slightly more nuanced position. Speaking to CheckNews, Manuel Alduy details his position: that of a “pause” aligned with the intensity of the controversy, rather than the definitive cessation of all broadcasting. “Depardieu’s image is damaged, all partners must ask themselves the question of whether they will be tainted or not,” he tells us. “When Mediapart’s revelations came out, we suspended the broadcast of two films, namely Robuste and Des hommes, films co-produced by France Télés, which were to be broadcast as part of an event to celebrate cinema. We considered, precisely, that we did not want to celebrate the artist. We would have been rightly criticized for [soutenir] Depardieu. Are we going to broadcast these films next? Of course, at a quieter, more opportune time.”

Manuel Alduy continues: “We do not want to enter into a movement of collective censorship. During the summer, we broadcast Mystère à Saint-Tropez for example, outside of any special programming. What we really want is to take a break from broadcasting when we are at the height of the controversy. But it will come back, we will rebroadcast The Last Metro for example. Note that Lost Illusions by Xavier Giannoli, in which Depardieu has a supporting role, will be broadcast on France 2 on Sunday December 17.

“Are we safe from new accusations?”

With Complément d’investigation, Manuel Alduy also talks about the projects submitted to France Télés as a co-producer. On this, he adds: “As for future films: for the moment, there is no urgency because for eighteen months, nothing has been submitted to us with Depardieu. If a project were to arrive, we would ask the producer: can you guarantee that there will be no problems? Are we safe from new accusations?

A nuanced position that he already summarized the day before in another article in Libé, where he declared: “Films with Gérard Depardieu will continue to be purchased and broadcast, at least on France Télévisions. We also have several masterpieces to broadcast. We do not censor the works. But putting together a new film “on the name” of Depardieu seems very difficult to me.”

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