Guinea Bissau facing a dictatorial State!

by time news

2023-12-15 19:36:32

By Cassacá-64

On December 3 of this year, the presidency of the Republic produced a decree that dissolved the ANP, thus violating article 94, No. 1 of the Constitution – temporary limit of dissolution of parliament – ​​which prohibits the dissolution of parliament for twelve months after the elections. Thus, with Umaro Sissoco Emabló’s intention to dissolve parliament, we are witnessing a constitutional coup, with the intention of affirming an authoritarian dictatorial State.

A dictatorial state, yes! The actions perpetrated by Umaro Sissoco hurt constitutional principles; Furthermore, he has been like this since his self-proclamation as President of the Republic. The collapse of parliament under these conditions is only possible in a dictatorial regime, and Guinea Bissau is under a dictatorial regime. The regime began to be implemented during the mandate of former president José Mario Vaz, in 2014, and Sissoco has given it continuity, he has fought relentlessly so that this authoritarian regime anchored in the desires of the Guinea Bissau and subregional bourgeoisie forms estate.

It is extremely important to denounce the involvement of some States in promoting the dictatorial regime of Sissoco Emaló, particularly the Portuguese Republic – through President Marcelo Ribeiro de Sousa and former Prime Minister António Costa – and the Republic of Senegal – under the command of President Macky Sall, his godfather from the first hour –, among other West African States that have supported the creation of an undemocratic and dictatorial State in Guinea Bissau.

The decoration given to Umaro Sissoco by Marcelo Ribeiro de Souza during his State visit to Portugal, last October, not only meant the recognition of the servile role that Umaro Sissoco has played in defending the interests of the Portuguese State in the subregion – CDEAO –, especially in Senegal, but also the vain attempt to sanitize the authoritarian and dictatorial regime of Umaro Sissoco Emabló, with the purpose of helping him capture the electorate of Guinea Bissau for the 2024 presidential elections, and, of course, project the image of the dictator Embaló on an international level. It is worth paying attention: the majority of African leaders were decorated by Western States for having betrayed the struggle of the African people.

The effort, both by the bourgeoisie of Guinea Bissau and the international bourgeoisie, to consolidate a dictatorial State in Guinea Bissau has a material basis. As is known, Guinea, despite being a small country, has enormous potential in natural resources, especially mineral and energy resources, etc. And, since it is famous for being a country constantly sunk in political instability, then, in the name of supposed political stability, that is, that the uncontrolled looting of imperialism is not put into question, and that it lives up to To repress possible voices of opposition to the unbridled plundering of the country, the subregional bourgeoisie in command of imperialism and in connivance with the bourgeoisie of Guinea Bissau, decided to forge the authoritarian and dictatorial regime of Umaro Sissoco Embaló to carelessly guarantee the plundering of natural resources! from the homeland of Amílcar Cabral!

Given that we are at the threshold of the presidential elections and at the end of oil prospecting in Guinean waters, and everything indicates that exploitation will begin between 2024 and 2025, this is the reason why the Guinean bourgeoisie, personified in he MADEM G-15desperately gave his soul to the devil and, in exchange, implores for the maintenance of Sissoco’s bloodthirsty regime, as a means of ensuring the profits of the bourgeoisie in the mega business of oil exploitation and other resources in Guinea.

However, the desperation of the MADEM G-15 combines with the capitulation of the PAIGC, therefore, the PAIGC, as the winning party of the last legislative elections and historically a party with a greater social support base, even though it is the greatest victim of the regime of Umaro Sissoco Emabló, that is, the one who has suffered the most persecution, shamelessly boycotts the call to the masses to fight, and when they organize independently, they are the first to appeal for calm and serenity. The PAIGC consciously rules out the participation of the masses in the struggle, because it prefers to sit at the table with the dictatorial regime of Sissoco to negotiate the distribution of the profits from the sale of the natural resources of the land of Titina Silá. It was for this reason that the PAIGC, even having won the June elections of this year, invited parties that were and still are on the side of the Sissoco Embaló regime –PRS and PTG– to be part of its government, all in the name of a rotten peace that fundamentally aimed to curb the conscience of the people and allow the participation of all parties in the stoning of the wealth of the hungry people of Guinea Bissau.

Taking into account the optimistic character of the political class of Guinea Bissau, it is imperative that the people of Guinea organize together with the working class, in order to overthrow the authoritarian and dictatorial regime of Umaro Sissoco Embaló, a process in which the PAIGC has a determining role to fulfill, which is to summon their support base to be part of that march. The Sissoco regime, feeling cornered, irremediably seeks to resurrect tribal discourse as a way to divide and rule. Therefore, from Guinea to the diaspora, our focus at this point must be to combat any divisive and xenophobic party that tries, through ethnic and religious instrumentalization, to weaken us as a people. The moment is one of union. Union with all those who resolutely swore to overthrow, through strikes and street demonstrations, the Sissoco Embaló regime. Together with the working class, the people of Guinea have the historic mission of rescuing our land from the hands of Umaro Sissoco Embaló and the dirty hands of imperialism. Well, only in this way can we regain our freedoms and guarantees taking into account the destinies of our country, and control our resources with the aim of safeguarding the interests of the people in general.

For this, it is essential to promote discussions, debates, djumbais[1] [encuentros tradicionales]…in each region, sector, tobacco[2] [tabaquería]workplace, union, schools, universities, neighborhoods, benches [parlamentarias]that is, in every corner of the country, in the sense of finding mechanisms to overthrow once and for all the authoritarian and dictatorial regime headed by Umaro Sissoco Embaló.

Down with the dictatorship!

Down with Sissoco and his henchmen!

Long live the working people of Guinea Bissau!

Long live the working class of Guinea Bissau!

New Constituent Assembly now!


[1] A “djumbai” (traditional gathering) in Guinea-Bissau, a country where levels of violence against the most vulnerable remain very high, is a meeting to exchange opinions on rights violations and other issues such as justice, etc.

[2] Tobacco refers to the place where rolled tobacco is produced, which is one of the high-volume export products for Guinea Bissau.

Translation: Natalia Estrada.

#Guinea #Bissau #facing #dictatorial #State

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