Government Tax Increases Punishing Swedes: An Article by KD Politician Nike Örbrink

by time news

The KD top: We should not punish groups that do the right thing for themselves

DEBATE. Striving Swedes and companies now receive record tax increases on electricity, on savings and on having acquired an education. All this on top of the paused enumeration of the breakpoint.

“A moderate-led government must stop the tax increases that hit wide, wide and hard against broad groups in already strained times.”

It is clear that it is not an easy position to be in government. The overall goal of fighting inflation is important, not least for those of us working in the municipalities whose task it is to finance an increasingly expensive welfare state.

“However, dampening inflation is also an argument thrown forward in tax matters that does not really affect inflation at all.”

The government’s working tax credit will be a much-needed boost for many households, but when record tax hikes are expected across the board, a bourgeois government must go even further.

“An example is the electricity tax.”

We are once again heading for a cold winter. It was a historic package of 54 billion in electricity support rolled out by the government with Ebba Busch as minister of energy and business. It made it easier for households and businesses after previous years’ high electricity costs.

In addition, a high pace is now being kept at the Ministry of Climate and Business to fix the broken energy system the government inherited from before. A work that is important but the fruits of which will be felt in Swedes’ wallets only in the long run.

“In parallel, therefore, a fiscal policy is needed that meets the urgent situation for the Swedes’ economies.”

Finland, Norway and Denmark have seen the obvious in fiscal policy as a decisive tool for creating growth-friendly conditions and thus lowered their energy taxes.

“In Sweden ahead of the winter, a record increase in the electricity tax is instead expected. In total, it is about three billion in increased electricity costs that are sent to companies and households’ kitchen tables. The Minister of Finance should see the unreasonableness of electricity becoming more expensive in an already strained situation.”

Another example is the break-even point for state income tax. Already at the beginning of autumn, it was clear that the enumeration of the cut-off point for who must pay state income tax is paused.

This means that roughly three hundred thousand Swedes next year will be considered high income earners and pay more in taxes. The number of primary school teachers affected increases by two hundred percent. The number of basic trained nurses increases by eighty-one percent.

“Occupational categories where bourgeois parties have traditionally wanted to promote career ladders and higher wages are now to be hit by a tax blow intended for high income earners. Groups that, for example, have further trained to switch up cannot be punished for it.”

This can also be seen in the light of the CSN interest rate being raised to a record. Reconsidering the favorable loan is in itself nothing strange. That, on the other hand, it is motivated by the fact that those who pay on time must pay even more to compensate for those who do not, sends other signals.

“Those who do right by themselves should be rewarded, not punished for it.”

Also the tax on investment savings accounts, a tax that will be increased to a record. That Swedes, in addition to working and paying taxes, also make the wise decision to save on the side is important. Being able to have a buffer that makes them less vulnerable to drastic changes in life is a matter of freedom.

It should be in the interests of a bourgeois finance minister to want to promote.

A right-wing government’s financial policy is needed for broad groups in society. If we want to promote growth, people’s own freedom, that people educate and further educate themselves, the financial policy that affects this is an essential tool.

“Therefore it should be in Elisabeth Svantesson spinal reflex as bourgeois finance minister to stop the record increases that otherwise punish groups that do right by themselves.”

Nike Örbrink, group leader (KD) Stockholm City Hall

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