What is the best social network right now?

by time news

2023-12-16 12:21:45

And, suddenly, Threads. The latest social network Mark Zuckerberg and from that great digital emporium known as Meta It is now available to all users based in the EU. Also, obviously, for the Spanish. It comes with a look and feel similar to Twitter, now It also allows you to retweet and follow other users.

However, it is also possible to find important differences between the two services. In some cases, Zuckerberg’s new tool improves on Twitter. But it is still clear that Threads has a long way to go if it wants to end up being competitive within this niche.

More characters, but…

At the moment, Threads allows the user to post up to 500 characters. Meanwhile, on Twitter, or X, the maximum for free accounts is set at 280. Almost half. Of course, if you pay for the subscription to Elon Musk’s social network, this number grows to 25,000. In addition, the Meta ‘app’ allows you to edit published content. You have about five minutes for this. If you want to do it in X you must pay a subscription.

This is what the RA user’s account looks like

Although, on paper, Zuckerberg’s ‘app’ wins in this section, the truth is that when it comes to publishing Threads it has some limitations. As we have explained, on the platform you can barely publish text, images, videos or audio. In X, in addition to all this, you can host live podcasting events with other users, send private messages to other accounts or take surveys. The user experience, therefore, is more complete on Musk’s site.

No trends

The Threads user experience, currently, is somewhat poor. There are no trend lists, so you cannot get hooked on the information that arouses the most interest among users. Yes, you can search by keywords in the search engine, but it is not the same. For example, you can type ‘video games’ and you will get a list of posts in which the word appears. Untill there.

Many current users of the platform publish lists of topics that interest them in order to connect with people who have similar interests. Meta will probably change this sooner rather than later and offer a very X-like experience.

No advertising at the moment

Until now, Threads does not show advertising to the user. The ‘feed’ is completely clean. The Internet user only sees the publications of the people he follows or other accounts that the ‘app’ suggests based on his interests.

The Threads ‘feed’ is divided into two: on the one hand you can consult suggested content and, on the other, that published by the accounts you follow. Same as in X RA

Obviously, X does have advertising. Normally, the network shows you an ad every three or four posts. Although it’s not too annoying. And, without a doubt, Zuckerberg’s ‘app’ will soon (very) begin to do the same, because no one develops an application without turning it into a business that directly generates income. Or, at least, not in the current decade.

Lack of wealth

Threads wins a lot when it comes to sharing images. You can put several in a publication and see them perfectly, comfortably, simply by moving your finger. Here he easily beats X. But don’t let these types of details fool you. At the moment, the ‘app’ is not the joy of the garden. It does not have many users and the user experience can be somewhat tedious. It almost seems like the skeleton of a social network: a pit into which you drop information that, in the end, goes nowhere.

This is what the photos look like in Threads posts. All you have to do is slide your finger on the screen to scroll through them. You don’t need to click on the post to do so RA

Most of the posts you will see on the screen are from Instagram ‘influencers’, a tool that is closely linked to Threads, trying to gain a foothold on the platform. There is a lack of real public.

With all its flaws, X remains a much more interesting site where Internet users are more present and active. For things to change, It is key that Zuckerberg’s ‘app’ gets richer. And he will, for sure. With all its shortcomings, it is the most serious alternative to Twitter that can be found on the Internet.

The same followers as on Insta

In Threads you don’t start with a zero follower list. If you want to use it completely you must use your Instagram account and allow the two tools to share data. When you open the account, you have the same followers that you have on Instagram, and you also follow the same accounts.

This can be a nuisance for the user. For starters, Instagram has nothing to do with a platform like Although, in the end, it is true that this will probably only be a problem for a few Internet users; not for the generality.

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