Municipal apartment buildings: the city is ready to start designing

by time news

2023-12-14 15:45:03

Sketch of the Narva Reborn project

As promised, we are telling you in more detail about the results of the architectural competition for the best solution for two future municipal residential buildings for city professionals on Westervalli Street.

The goal of the competition was to obtain a conceptual solution for two municipal apartment buildings at Westervalli 17, which would also be a standard solution for other urban apartment buildings in the Old Town of Narva, explained Peeter Tambu.

Based on the voting results, 5 winning works were determined. First place was taken by a project with the promising title Narva Reborn, which can be translated from English as “Narva is being reborn.” The authors of the project were young architects Toms Loris, Agnese Malniece, Kristaps Priede, Denis Maruhlenko, Ilze Paberza from the Latvian architectural bureau SIA part.

According to the jury, it was a strong conceptual solution, the idea is clearly readable – both graphically, spatially, and textually. According to chief architect Peeter Tambu, who was also chairman of the competition jury, the authors analyzed the historical and spatial context of the site much more carefully than others. “Traditional, understated, delicate and thoughtful, with a very simple and calm façade. This solution, despite its simplicity, is very attractive, and these buildings are easy to build one after another,” said Peeter Tambu.

“Since we have money in the budget for the design of these houses, the development department is starting negotiations this week on concluding a contract for the design of these houses,” added the chief architect.
He also considers the choice of a site for construction in the city center to be successful – this makes housing more attractive for specialists, and besides, there is a bus stop nearby, from where specialists will be able to conveniently get to their place of work – a hospital or school. The city hopes to receive money for the construction of municipal residential buildings from European structural funds in 2025; it is assumed that in this case new municipal housing may appear as early as 2026.

Second place went to the joint participants of Studio ARGUS OÜ and MakeSpace OÜ, authors Kristo Pyllaas, Elise Harjak, Margit Argus, Maria Koroleva, Eva Wackmann.

Sketch of the “Valikodud” project

The concept design for “Vallilkodud” was based on a coherent, diverse and historical building, however, according to the jury, some design details were difficult to resolve.

The work of SWECO Projekt AS “Äär”, authored by Janeli Voll and Ahti Kooskora, was recognized as worthy of third place.

Sketch of the project “Äär”

The jury appreciated the attractive appearance and suitability for urban space. “It’s very nice that the entrance from the street is on the same level as the sidewalk, and the spatial solution is also very attractive. The public road with light traffic that leads from the front door of the house is also worthy of attention,” added Peeter Tambu.

Our information
The prize fund of the architectural competition amounted to 29,000 euros and was divided as follows: prize to the winner of the competition – 12,000 euros; prize for second place – 8,000 euros; prize for third place – 5,000 euros: two prizes for fourth place (encouragement prize) of 2,000 euros each.

Read also:

Narva will build municipal houses for its specialists, and Narva enterprises are interested in new luxury housing on Raudsilla

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