They demand measures from the national government to serve UVA mortgaged families | The credit of Macrismo that turned the dream of owning one’s own home into a nightmare

by time news

2023-12-17 05:58:15

Around a thousand families in the province of Salta continue to be harmed by indebtedness with UVA credits (Purchasing Value Units), a system that is updated by inflation and was implemented during the government of Mauricio Macri as the only mortgage loan option to access owning your own home, a dream that has turned into a nightmare.

The UVA mortgage group demands measures to freeze capital, which is updated using the Reference Stabilization Coefficient (CER) and is based on inflation. The Ombudsman of the city of Salta, Federico Núñez Burgos, requested in a note to the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, to implement measures in favor of this group.

In conversation with Salta/12 Núñez Burgos explained that “what updates the traditional UVA is the relationship between inflation and the dollar.” He stressed that the State has to “give predictability and guarantees of stability to families.” “That is why we tell the Minister of Economy, who was also an official during the period in which UVA credits were promoted: be careful with the decisions you make regarding the dollar because the impact on UVA credit takers can be extremely harmful,” he said. he.

The defender described the situation of the families that took out these mortgage loans as “very unfair”, after having trusted “in the proposals that the government had at that time.” He mentioned that the last four years there was “in theory a contained dollar” and yet the capital increased from “one million to 17 million pesos.” “Our concern is that the government now plans to release the exchange rate,” and this will cause the debt of mortgaged people to “double.”

“We are in a very complicated situation and we are going to be more complicated if something is not done about it, as we have been saying for 5 years or a little more. Our quota is adjusted for inflation, there has already been an impressive increase in inflation. According to that the new President has just announced, this increase in inflation will continue, which will make this more and more difficult for us,” Mara García, the representative of the UVA Mortgages group in Salta, told Salta/12. “What we need is to go back, to recalculate or readjust the capital to August 2019 and to put a cap or brake on the capital because the quota is deducted from it, we are going to continue having quotas that go up” , he explained.

“What has to happen is the freezing of capital. We have to ask the banks to renegotiate the debt at a different rate,” agreed Núñez Burgos.

García pointed out that they are demanding “that the executions” of the eviction trials be suspended. Likewise, they ask that “instead of changing to the Salary Variation Coefficient (CVS) we change to the Casa Propia index that was being used for mortgage loans before Milei took office,” he said. Another demand is to become part of the public agenda again so that their situation is not ignored.

The demand to the Senate of the Nation

The Hipotecados UVA group demands that the project to renegotiate UVA mortgage loan contracts be discussed in the Senate of the Nation, which has already obtained a favorable opinion and also has half the sanction of the national Chamber of Deputies. “Before the PASO, this was stopped and the issue has not been raised again. It would have to be approved in the Senate for it to be applied to us and that would give us relief,” said García.

Núñez Burgos pointed out that this project proposes “the creation of a fund that allows these discrepancies to be compensated. That is, in the face of a critical situation that could be doubling the price of the dollar in Argentina, this compensation fund had to operate to somehow contain the update. of capital”.

“In the Senate the rent law was discussed and the regulation of UVA credits was not discussed. We contacted the president of the Senate, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and asked her to urgently address this because the risk was very big compared to what we had been hearing in the electoral campaign. The (upper) House did not deal with the project and we want it to be dealt with once, because the situation of the families who took the UVA credits is distressing, they do not know how much they will pay the interest fee,” added the defender. He said that he will insist on raising this “concern” to the national senators for Salta and “we are going to ask the current president of the Senate, Victoria Villarruel, to discuss the project.”

Against the position of Mercy

The Ombudsman of the city of Salta refuted these statements by President Javier Milei, who ruled out taking any measure in favor of people who have UVA loans because “They took those loans based on an interest rate differential,” and “ If you make a wrong decision, you have to take responsibility”; “Did they put a gun to their heads?”

“The President’s speech is based on the assumption that UVA loan takers are interest rate speculators, who took this loan because it had a low interest rate. It is a conceptual error. People did not take this loan because it was the best interest rate. , took it because there was no other, the banks did not give any other type of credit and this guarantees the return of capital,” Núñez Burgos denied.

“The President himself stated that UVA loan takers are speculators in the real estate system. They are Argentine families who took credit trustingly, they are not speculators in the real estate system. Someone had to say this, which is why we are raising it,” he stressed.

The defender recalled that people with UVA mortgages bought “a house to live in” and “it is unusual to think that a person who took out a Procrear or bank loan to buy a house did so to obtain a difference in the interest rate or make a real estate business.” He pointed out that “there is a direct impact on the right to housing, especially when there are no massive construction plans that allow us to respond to the demand of families and affordable prices.”

In Salta, some Procrear families were able to move from the UVA credit to another adjustment modality called “Ho.Gar” and is updated using the Salary Variation Coefficient (CVS). This measure was applied only to those who acquired their homes in the buildings in the El Huaico neighborhood in the city of Salta and in the town of Tartagal, significantly improving their situation. A neighbor told Salta/12 that she currently pays a fee of $70,000.

While in the Procrear buildings in the Grand Bourg, Talavera and Pereyra Rosas neighborhoods they continue with the UVA credit and a neighbor there said she is paying around $180,000.

The ombudsman indicated that there are also families in debt with the UVA credit system in San Lorenzo, Orán and Cafayate. He clarified that in addition to the people who acquired the loan through the Procrear plan, they also make up the group of individual UVA mortgage holders who acquired private loans, in Salta the majority did so at the Macro and Santander Río banks.

“In 2020, 2021, 2022, we made our claims to the Ministry of Economy of the Nation, to the Central Bank. And one of the resolutions that the monetary and economic authority took was that mortgagees of Banco Nación and Banco Hipotecario begin to update through CVS But that measure did not reach everyone,” explained Núñez Burgos.

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