Unveiling the Largest Terror Tunnel in the Gaza Strip: Exclusive Inside Look by IDF Reporter Tal Lev Ram

by time news

The hidden underground city of Gaza revealed: Inside the massive terror tunnel

In a shocking revelation, Maariv’s military reporter Tal Lev Ram entered and explored the largest terror tunnel in the Gaza Strip, uncovering the true extent of what lies beneath the surface.

Located just 300-400 meters away from the Erez crossing and the wall separating the north of the Gaza Strip from agricultural areas, this massive tunnel poses a significant threat to nearby communities and Israeli security forces. According to the IDF’s estimates, the tunnel reaches the heart of Jabaliya and boasts multiple branches, potentially reaching other areas of Gaza City.

Inside the tunnel, the sheer scale of the project is unfathomable. At a depth of 25 meters, the maximum depth of the tunnel reaches up to 50 meters, showcasing the engineering capabilities of Hamas to build such a site at a depth that touches the groundwater. The width of the tunnel, at three to four meters, allows for the passage of vehicles, which were able to freely traverse through the use of rails and nets that were placed over the infrastructure.

The tunnel also boasts a range of infrastructure, including sewerage, electricity, ventilation, and communication systems, all installed at a high standard. It is clear that this project was a flagship endeavor of Hamas, boasting a team of skilled diggers and advanced machinery brought in for the excavation process.

The revelation of this massive tunnel raises significant questions about the demilitarized achievements presented to the public following Operation Guard the Walls. Despite the extensive ground maneuver and investigation that led to the uncovering of the tunnel, there is no trace of the attack on the subway in Shomer Hahomet, leaving many questions about the extent of damage caused to the Hamas tunnel project.

Furthermore, the tunnel’s discovery sheds light on the structure of the underground city of Gaza, which goes beyond serving as an escape and fighting movement route for Hamas. The tunnel features large halls and spaces for accommodation and combat management, as well as sites intended for the storage and production of ammunition.

The magnitude of this project, along with the extensive findings of underground infrastructure throughout the northern Gaza Strip, underscores the ongoing threat posed by Hamas to Israeli security. As the IDF continues to assess and address the implications of this massive tunnel, it is clear that the threat from beneath the surface is as significant as ever.

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