Comparison of the best probiotics at HSNstore

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2023-12-18 11:15:08

Probiotics are defined as bacterial species, bacterial strains or species of live microorganisms, which once ingested in sufficient quantities are capable of colonizing the host’s microbiota and generating positive effects on it.

At HSN you have different probiotic formulas depending on your objectives and needs:

ProductFormatsGI Biotics25B UFC100B UFCPolvoRespi Biotics25B UFC100B UFCInmu Biotics25B UFC100B UFCWomen’s Biotics25B UFC100B UFCPylo Biotics30B UFCS. Boulardii10B UFCBiotics Tindalizados50B UFC

Characteristics of HSN’s top probiotics

The amount of bacteria indicated in HSN probiotics is guaranteed at the end of its useful life.Many of HSN’s probiotic formulas are protected with gastro-resistant capsules.The probiotic bacteria in HSN formulas are themselves resistant to the external and internal environment and They reach the intestine intact where they can act (they are not degraded)Many of HSN’s Biotics formulas contain Inulin and FOS, making them probiotics + prebiotics = synbiotics.HSN probiotics are Suitable for vegan diets, they do not contain dairy products or derivatives.HSN probiotics are free of Genetically Modified Organisms.

You have different concentrations depending on the objectives and needs.

GI Biotics

GI Biotics is a probiotic formula developed with a specific selection of 11 strains of bacteria from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium families aimed at improving the gastrointestinal systemin addition to prebiotics, zinc and vitamin B2.

Its objective is to help repopulate the beneficial bacterial flora of the intestine to correct digestive problems associated with dysbiosis (very prevalent in developed Western cultures, due to exposure to stress and poor diet).

The recommended daily dose is one vegetable capsule. Choose between the 25 and 100 billion Colony Forming Unit options depending on your needs.

GI Biotics (Probiotics) 25B CFU

You also have a powder presentationdeveloped with 9 strains of tindalized ferments from the Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus families, as well as prebiotics, enzymes and plant extracts such as ginger or turmeric, which overall, are intended to combat digestive inflammation and improve digestion. of food.

Take 1 scoop of 15ml (approximately 10g) mixed in water, once a day.

GI Biotics powder

Respi Biotics

Respi Biotics is a probiotic formula developed with a specific selection of 10 strains of bacteria from the Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus families aimed at improving the respiratory systemin addition to prebiotics and vitamin A.

Your goal is help maintain a bacterial biofilm in the oropharyngeal mucosahealthy and populated with positive bacteria, which can act as a mechanism of defense against microorganisms potentially pathogenic that we inhale, especially in outdoor athletes.

The recommended daily dose is one vegetable capsule. Choose between the 25 and 100 billion Colony Forming Unit options depending on your needs.

Respi Biotics (Probiotics) 25B UFC

Inmu Biotics

Inmu Biotics is a probiotic formula developed with a specific selection of 9 strains of bacteria from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium families intended to strengthen the immune systemin addition to prebiotics and vitamin D3.

Its objective is to provide the specific benefits of the main bacterial genera studied in relation to the regulation and stimulation of the immune system, since probiotics are capable of impacting interleukins, growth factors, cytokines of all types, genetic expressions, chemokines and other regulatory molecules; in different cells and regions of our body; to finally result in a strengthening our defenses.

The recommended daily dose is one vegetable capsule. Choose between the 25 and 100 billion Colony Forming Unit options depending on your needs.

Inmu Biotics (Probiotics) 25B UFC

Women’s Biotics

Women’s Biotics is a probiotic formula developed with a specific selection of 11 strains of bacteria from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium families aimed at improving vaginal healthin addition to prebiotics, vitamin A and vitamin B9.

Its objective is to help keep the female vaginal flora balanced, in addition to contributing to the maintenance of the integrity of the epithelial barrier, and contributing to endocrine regulation. All of this can help improve the health of the female reproductive tract, contributing to the control or relief of gynecological pathologies, and increasing local immunity of the vagina.

The recommended daily dose is one vegetable capsule. Choose between the 25 and 100 billion Colony Forming Unit options depending on your needs.

Women’s Biotics (Probióticos) 25B UFC

Pylo Biotics

Pylo Biotics is a probiotic formula developed with a specific selection of 2 strains of bacteria (among which is the renowned Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17648) intended for the adjuvant treatment of Helicobacter Pylori infectionin addition to vitamin B12.

Its objective is to correct the effects of infection by the H. Pylori bacteria: First of all deals with the bacterial adhesion that causes the infection, inducing bacteria to aggregate and competing for adhesion to the intestinal epithelium; once the probiotics are added, they reinforce the intestinal mucosal barrier and produce antimicrobials that regulate the local and global immunity of the organism to confront the pathogen.

The recommended daily dose is one vegetable capsule.

Pylo Biotics 30B UFC (Pylopass™)

Saccharomyces boulardii

Saccharomyces boulardii is considered the “original probiotic”, since it is a yeast discovered in 1920 from which the field of research began regarding the use of probiotics for human health. The HSN formula provides 10B CFU per capsule, in addition to vitamin A.

Saccharomyces boulardii is present together with Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17648 in the Pylo Biotics formula, since One of its main uses is the management of Helicobacter pylori infection.

It could be considered a first approach before using Pylo Biotics.

Furthermore, S. Boulardii has anti-inflammatory and antisecretory effects in the intestineand contributes to the repair of the intestinal cell wall, reducing permeability.

The recommended dose is one vegetable capsule twice a day, preferably consumed on an empty stomach.

Saccharomyces Boulardii 10B UFC

Tindalized yeasts

Tindalized Biotics 50 Billion U – Full Spectrum is a post-biotic formula developed with a specific selection of 9 strains of bacteria from the Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus families intended to cover the global effects of traditional probioticswith a specific orientation towards improving the moodIt also contains prebiotics, vitamin A and vitamin D3.

Tindalized or “post-biotic” ferments consist of inactivated bacteria that allow our own beneficial bacteria to repopulate themselves thanks to the substrate provided by the use of these ferments.

Its main objective is help modulate the gut microbiomeclosely linked to communication with the brain, which when kept in balance, is able to respond positively by regulating intestinal physiology (downwards) and mood changes (upwards).

The recommended daily dose is one vegetable capsule.

Tindalized Biotics 50 Billion U – Full Spectrum

Which one is the most recommended for you?

As this article contains a lot of information, we present you a simple scheme so you know which probiotic is best for you.

ProblemSolutionDigestive discomfort (diarrhea, colic, gas, etc.)GI BioticsUpper respiratory tract infections and otitisRespi BioticsCold seasons, environmental changes or intense sports practice that facilitate the development of colds, flu and other infectious processes.Inmu BioticsVaginal dryness, itching, inflammation and/or vaginosisWomen’s BioticsEstablished Helycobacter Pyolri infectionPylo BioticsPost-infection or prevention of Helycobacter PyolriSaccharomyces BoulardiiImproved mood and intestinal activityBiotics Tindalizados

In the options where there is only more than one concentration presentation (Bacteria Units), for example 25B and 100B CFU, the way to sequence its use is as follows:

If it is for prevention:

Use the presentations of 25B UFC daily and uninterrupted, its use can be maintained chronically without adaptation or adverse effects.

If it is due to problems associated with the system on which they act:

Start using the concentrations of 100B UFC, use them for 2 months, the duration of one container. After this period, continue with the presentation of 25B UFC for 4 more months, the duration of one container as well. After these 6 months of use , you can repeat the cycle, continue with the 25B UFC as maintenance or cease its use, according to needs.

Bibliographic references

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