The cardiologist spoke about the porridge that you need to eat daily for blood vessels

by time news

From the point of view of the principles of cardio nutrition, which helps maintain the health of the heart, blood vessels and is suitable, including for people who have had a heart attack, cereals should be included in the daily diet. But not all, but with a low glycemic index. If desired, they can even be eaten several times a day, noted cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences Anna Korenevich in her YouTube channel.

The list includes buckwheat, oatmeal (or hercules) and barley porridge. Any of them is recommended to eat daily – a few spoons are enough. It is optimal to include the product in the morning meal or before physical activity.

Among other side dishes useful for the heart and blood vessels, the specialist named unpolished rice, peas, beans, lentils, bulgur and wholemeal spaghetti.

Among the common side dishes, the number of which is recommended to be reduced as much as possible in the diet or eaten “on holidays”, one can single out fried potatoes and mashed potatoes, as well as white polished rice and instant cereals.

Sausages, pates, dumplings, ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce, sweets (including honey and jam), caviar and bread made from premium flour (including lavash) are also included in the group of “holiday” products.

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