Equity was the theme of the meeting of the Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies within the Unilab academic internationalization project

by time news

2023-12-18 19:47:28

Last Monday (11), a meeting was held with the support of the Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Proppg/Unilab).

The internationalization activity included the participation of national guest professors from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and the State University of Ceará (UECE), in addition to the international participation of professors from The University of Texas at Austin.

Unilab professors and guest from The University of Texas at Austin

Among the participants were professors representing Unilab’s Postgraduate courses: Vera Regina da Silva (PPGA UFC/Unilab); Aluísio da Fonseca (MASTS), Daniela Tavares (PROFMAT) and Arilson Gomes (MIH), mediated by the Research Coordinator and Pro-Rector (acting), Joserlene Pinheiro (Leno) and the Postgraduate Coordinator, Anne Fayma.

About professors from other universities: Jose Aires de Castro Filho – full professor at the Federal University of Ceará, working on the Bachelor’s Degree in Systems and Digital Media and the Postgraduate Program in Educational Technology (Professional Master’s Degree) at the Virtual University Institute and the Postgraduate Program in Brazilian Education (Master’s Degree) and Doctorate) from the Faculty of Education in the Digital Technologies in Education axis and Marcília Chagas Barreto – associate professor M at the State University of Ceará, linked to the pedagogy course and the Postgraduate Program in Education. She leads the Mathematics Research and Teaching Group (MAES).

According to professor at the Institute of Humanities (IH) and Research Coordinator (Proppg), Leno Pinheiro, the meeting highlights internationalization in postgraduate studies as a strategic process that aims at the global integration of teaching, research and extension. In this sense, the action is one of Unilab’s strategic objectives, strengthening subsidies that can contribute to strengthening the institution in the internal and external educational scenario, improving its representation through innovation and cooperative relevance.

In the scope of postgraduate studies, in line with the institutional development plan, Prof. Anne Fayma (CPG/Unilab) highlighted the reflections that are working to effectively support internationalization, such as:

Broadening the Global Perspective; International Collaborations and Partnerships; Academic Mobility; Multilingualism; Quality and International Recognition; Cultural Diversity and Inclusion; Research with Global Impact; Research and Innovation Networks; International Fundraising and Global Engagement and Social Responsibility.

For Proppg representatives, it is significant to favor and mediate the relationship between researchers involved in various research initiatives, such as those carried out in conjunction with other institutions, and in this sense, to establish dialogue with the Dean of Institutional and International Relations ( Prointer) so that international agreements can be signed, aiming at the development of research. “The Northeast Mathematics Education Network (REM-NO) is one of these initiatives, which aims not only to favor research with other institutions, but also the institutional relationship between partners and the Unilab project. The presence of researcher Tia Madkins presents itself as an internationalization action”.

José Castro Filho (UFC) and Marcilia Barreto (UECE)Tia C. Madkins and Anne Fayma (Proppg/Unilab)Leno Pinheiro, Proppg Research CoordinatorMeeting promoted by Proppg/Unilab

The international guest, the Tia C. Madkins is an assistant professor in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Education Program and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Texas at Austin (Education University). It is also a research affiliate of the College with the Population Research Center and the Center for the Study of Race and Democracy at the University of Texas at Austin, bringing the theme “STEM Education focused on Equity” to the event.

Tia C. Madkins – The University of Texas at Austin

During her presentation, the professor discussed the results of her research focused on supporting PK-16 (K–16) educators to design inclusive STEM+ computing classrooms and engage in teaching practices focused on equity to transform learning environments for minoritized students, especially girls of color.

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