Footprint study: What is it for and who should do it?

by time news

2023-12-19 19:17:04

The footprint study must be performed by a qualified professional who has the necessary training and experience to correctly evaluate the footprint and recommend the appropriate treatment. You can find a podiatrist in Zaragoza or another location and begin to identify possible foot problems that influence your daily life

Benefits of footprint study

He biomechanical study of the footprint It is a diagnostic test that allows us to evaluate the way we step. It is carried out through a series of tests that allow us to identify possible alterations in the footprint and their possible consequences.

The study of the footprint can be beneficial for people of all agesbut it is especially recommended for adults who suffer from some type of pain, athletes or people with health problems such as diabetes or obesity.

In adults who suffer from foot, knee, hip or back pain, footfall study can help identify the cause of these problems and recommend appropriate treatment. In people with specific health problems, such as diabetes, obesity, or neurological diseases, it can help prevent complications related to these problems.

In the case of athletes, the study of the footprint can help prevent sports injuries and improve sports performance.

There are two main types of footfall study:

static study. It is done without the patient moving. The shape of the feet, the alignment of the lower extremities and body posture are evaluated.Dynamic study. It is performed while the patient walks or runs. The way the feet move and the distribution of plantar pressures are evaluated.

Study of footprint in childhood

Footprint study can also be beneficial for children, as it can help detect possible gait alterations that could lead to health problems later.

Children usually spend a lot of time walking, running and playing, so it is important that they have correct footing to avoid injuries.

If a child has pain in the feet, knees, hips or back or excessive tiredness when walking or run, it is recommended that a footstep study be performed. It is also important to perform a study if you walk abnormally or have foot deformities.

Study of the footprint in sports

The study of foot strike is especially important for athletes, as it can help prevent injuries and improve sports performance.

Athletes usually perform repetitive movements that can overload the feet and other structures of the body. A footprint study can help identify risk factors for injury and recommend measures to prevent them.

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