with the highest purchase intentions at the end of the year –

by time news

2023-12-19 22:50:09

For Christmas, about 80% of potential consumers plan to purchase a product or service; For the New Year and Three Kings Day seasons, purchase intention is a little more reserved because five out of 10 plan to buy during both dates, according to the Report on purchase expectations during end-of-year periods in 2023 from Mexican Online Sales Association (AMVO).

In addition, he revealed that both at Christmas and New Year’s, the digital channel becomes very relevant since eight out of 10 plan to make their purchases online. 90% plan to combine physical and digital channels during Christmas, compared to 84% who will combine their shopping experience in the New Year.

The report highlighted that the main reasons for shopping online at Christmas are the following:

the possibility of comparing prices, 54%; save time and travel to a physical store, 52%; and avoiding crowds in physical stores, 44%.

Meanwhile, in the New Year the following stand out:

saving time and transportation to a physical store, 47%); find more promotions and discounts, 39%; and being able to compare prices, 37%.

Regarding the categories with the highest purchase intention are:

It stands out that for New Year’s there is also interest in purchases that have to do with home improvements, while at Christmas beauty and personal care products stand out.

Regarding the recipients of online purchases, during these seasons the items are intended, above all, for the family (children, brothers, uncles, etc.).

Three Kings Day 2024

To conclude, the AMVO report indicated that in the case of Three Kings’ Day, six out of 10 Internet users show a significant preference for using the digital and physical channel together to make their purchases. As in the New Year, 43% like the digital channel for the possibility of saving time and travel; followed by 38% who compare prices and 31% who consider that they find more promotions on the internet.

For this day, 60% of purchase intention focuses on toys, followed by the children’s category, which shows an increase in purchase interest (+34%) compared to 2022.

AMVO: Online sales in Buen Fin 2022 grow 31%

#highest #purchase #intentions #year

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