for Elisabeth Borne, the President of the Republic “did not receive the resignation” of Aurélien Rousseau

by time news

2023-12-20 09:26:18

The key measures of the new version of the “immigration” bill, after an agreement in the joint committee

Non-contributory social benefits

Distinction between foreigners depending on whether they are or not “in employment”: for benefits such as family allowances, for the enforceable right to housing or the personalized autonomy allowance, a period of five years is provided for those who do not work, but of thirty months (i.e. two and a half years) for those who do not work. others.

For access to personalized housing assistance (APL), the main sticking point, a residence condition is set at five years for those who do not work, at three months for others. These new restrictions do not apply to foreign students, refugees or resident card holders.

Regularization: more restrictive version

This will be a one-year residence permit, issued on a case-by-case basis, provided that you have resided in France for at least three years and have been employed for at least 12 months out of the last 24. This ” experimentation “ will only apply until the end of 2026.

An undocumented worker will not need approval from their employer to make a request. The text gives prefects discretionary power to regularize undocumented workers in so-called shortage occupations.

The measure was included in the text, as well as the holding of an annual debate on immigration in Parliament. The government hopes that the Constitutional Council will take responsibility for revoking this measure.

Loss of nationality and land law

A measure will allow the loss of nationality for dual nationals convicted of intentional homicide against any person holding public authority.

For land law, there is no automaticity in obtaining French nationality upon reaching the age of majority for people born in France to foreign parents. Those concerned will now have to request it between the ages of 16 and 18. Also, in the event of conviction for a crime, any naturalization of a foreign person born in France would become impossible.

Illegal residence offense

The reinstatement of the “crime of illegal residence” was retained, accompanied by a fine without imprisonment.

Administrative detention centers

The ban on placing minor foreigners in detention appears in the final compromise.

The applicant’s minimum length of stay is increased to 24 months. He must provide proof of resources “stable, regular and sufficient” and have health insurance.

Deposit for students

Introduction, except in certain specific cases, of a deposit to be deposited by foreigners requesting a “student” residence permit, aimed at covering the cost of possible “removal costs”.

Restriction of access to the residence permit to “sick foreigners”. With few exceptions, it can only be granted if there is no “appropriate treatment” in the country of origin. Coverage by Health Insurance will also be excluded if the applicant has resources deemed sufficient.

#Elisabeth #Borne #President #Republic #receive #resignation #Aurélien #Rousseau

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