Macron assures his ministers that the text does not go “against our values” – L’Express

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2023-12-20 14:53:13

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Parliament definitively approved the law on immigration on Tuesday, a parliamentary victory for Emmanuel Macron which at the same time opens a deep divide within his majority, part of which turned away from a text supported at the last minute by the National Rally.

⇒ The text was adopted by Parliament

⇒ Borne and Macron will speak today

⇒ The Minister of Health resigned

The adopted text

After 18 months of twists and turns around this flammable bill, the Assembly voted for it with 349 votes for and 186 votes against, out of 573 voters, LR and RN adding their voices to that of the majority. The latter was divided: it missed 59 votes, out of 251 deputies, between votes against and abstentions. The text would in fact still have been adopted if the far-right parliamentarians had abstained. However, the result would have been different if they had voted against.

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On X, Gérald Darmanin welcomed the adoption of a “strong and firm” text, “without the voices of (88) RN deputies”. The Minister of the Interior accused the RN of making a “little political move” to embarrass the majority, when he had until now rejected it. “The majority united, the RN maneuver failed,” said Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, seeming to ignore the defection of nearly a quarter of her deputies.

Macron assures that the text does not go “against our values”

The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron assumed on Wednesday in the Council of Ministers that the immigration bill adopted the day before in Parliament in pain was “a compromise text” with “things that I do not like but which are not against our values”, according to a participant.

“This text is the fruit of compromise with serious things and things that I do not like but which are not against our values,” declared the head of state according to this source, calling on his troops to “denounce the maneuvers of the RN”, who voted for the text, “thank those who voted for the law and listen to the others”, while the majority was fractured on this bill.

Borne assumes the text

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Elisabeth Borne has “the feeling of duty accomplished” on Wednesday, the day after the adoption of the immigration bill “without the votes of the National Rally”. “We wanted to vote on a text on useful, effective measures, expected by our fellow citizens, with two objectives: to remove more quickly, more effectively those who do not have the right to be in France and to better integrate those we choose to “welcome”, she declared on France inter. “I do not take into account the votes of the National Rally. Without these votes, this text was adopted,” she insisted.

Furthermore, Elisabeth Borne assured Wednesday that State Medical Aid (AME) for undocumented foreigners would “not be eliminated”, after having committed to the right to carry out a reform from the start of 2024.

Elisabeth Borne recognized on Wednesday that measures of the law on immigration passed on Tuesday evening were probably unconstitutional and estimated that the text “would have to evolve” after the examination of the Constitutional Council referred to it by the President of the Republic. “Yes, I can confirm it,” she replied on France Inter, when asked about the presence of measures contrary to the Constitution in the text. “There may be provisions” about which “we expressed our doubts to the Republicans,” she stressed, also not ruling out having to “return” to certain measures, such as personalized housing assistance. or the deposit for foreign students.

Rousseau replaced by Firmin Le Bodo

While the Prime Minister assured that Emmanuel Macron “did not receive the resignation” of Aurélien Rousseau, the minister confirmed to the newspaper The world that he fully intends to leave the government. He thus wishes to protest against the adoption of the law.

Government spokesperson Olivier Véran confirmed this midday the resignation of Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau, “absent this morning at the Council of Ministers”, replaced “in the interim” by the current Minister Delegate in charge of health professions Agnès Firmin The Bodo.

“There is no ministerial revolt movement,” assured Olivier Véran, during the report of the council of ministers.

The text to the Constitutional Council

The text of the law was transmitted to the Constitutional Council this Wednesday, affirmed Olivier Véran, during the report of the council of ministers.

The Lot sling

The Lot department announced on Wednesday that it would refuse to “apply the national preference” established according to it by the immigration law for the allocation of the personalized autonomy allowance, according to a press release.

“The Department of Lot, faithful to its values ​​of solidarity, refuses and will refuse to apply the principle of national preference for our elders”, affirms in this text Serge Rigal (DVG, ex-PS), president of the departmental council, who proposes to “create a new universal autonomy allowance which will give exactly the same rights to Lotois who would be excluded by this law”.

A “historic victory” for the right

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The president of the LR, Eric Ciotti, welcoming a “historic victory for the right”, called on the majority “in crisis”, to “take into account” the fact that the Republicans had allowed “in substance and form” adoption of this text”. “Let her finally understand that at the same time is impotence.”

The RN applauds

The RN applauded these speeches in the hemicycle, rejoicing in its “ideological victory”, as Marine Le Pen said earlier in the day. “This evening, if the deputies of the National Rally voted against, this text would not pass contrary to the lies uttered by Mr. Darmanin. It is a total victory for the ideas defended by Marine Le Pen”, welcomed the deputy of extreme right Jean-Philippe Tanguy.

Mélenchon denounces a “sickening victory”

The leader of France Insoumise (radical left), Jean-Luc Mélenchon, for his part denounced a “sickening victory” acquired on the contrary thanks to the voices of the extreme right. “A new political axis has been put in place,” he reacted on , the founder of the National Front: “national preference in social benefits, loss of nationality, questioning of land law”, listed the president of the LFI group, Mathilde Panot.

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