Two transformative years of RIG activity

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

Carolina Venuto *

As I conclude my journey as president of the Brazilian Association of Institutional and Governmental Relations (Abrig), I reflect on a journey marked by sincere efforts and valuable learning. During this time, Abrig worked hard to consolidate its presence on the national scene, striving to participate constructively in debates in the private and public sectors, in the Three Powers and at all federal levels. Each step was marked by challenges overcome with humility and a constant search for improvements, recognizing that the path to success is built with perseverance, collaboration and realism.

One of the great achievements of this period was the conduct of the approval process for the regulation of Institutional and Governmental Relations (RIG) activity in the Chamber of Deputies, through bill 1202/2007. The deputy’s replacement Lafayette de Andrada (Republicanos-MG), approved in 2022 by consensus, played a crucial role in this process. To achieve this achievement, a series of activities were developed, such as the publication of the study “Regulation of Institutional and Governmental Relations – A Global Trend”, fundamental for presenting arguments in favor of the matter and for comparing models proposed and implemented in Brazil and around the world; the publication and certification in the “ABRIG/ABNT Recommended Practice”, a self-regulatory instrument for individuals and legal entities to act with the best market practices even before the publication of a possible law; participation in a public hearing at the Chamber’s Working Committee; meetings with authorities and organized civil society and participation in articles and interviews in the mainstream media.

Now, we will follow, with positive expectations, the discussions on the matter in the Federal Senate, where it is being processed as PL 2914/22. In parallel, we will also monitor and provoke debates in the Executive branch, especially within the scope of the CGU Transparency, Integrity and Combating Corruption Council, a collegiate in which we were invited to participate from 2023.

Another significant milestone was enhancing female participation in the association and in RIG’s operating spaces in general. Being the first woman to preside over the entity and having a joint board of directors, the management worked fervently to ensure that female voices were heard and played a central role in the discussions that shape the political and business scenario. Through our Abrig Mulher Committee we also held the first International Conference of Women in RIG, a fundamental opportunity for exchanging information, forming alliances and, mainly, for building an agenda for the future, as there is no doubt that there is still a lot to do.

The consolidation of the Marco Maciel Award as an indisputable recognition of good practices by entities that work to defend interests is a testimony to Abrig’s unwavering commitment to excellence and the continuous promotion of high standards in the construction of public policies, as was the unique figure of the public man to whom the event honors. With almost 140 entries in the last four years and the publication of the 2022 Winning Case Book, we leave the sector with successful examples, as well as an incentive for RIG actions to be true catalysts for transforming society.

Furthermore, Abrig expanded its institutional partnerships to reach even more agents and deliver new benefits. In this sense, we achieved an important feat by establishing partnerships with the government of Goiás and the Instituto do Legislativo Paulista. These achievements, added to the activities of the regional directorates of São Paulo and regions, Rio Grande do Sul and Pará mark a new chapter in strengthening the entity’s operations at the state level

As one of the entity’s pillars, in the last four years we have offered more than 30 courses, training more than 500 students and reinforcing Abrig’s dedication to forming a community of professionals prepared to face the constantly evolving challenges of Institutional and Government Relations.

Last but not least, we must also highlight the efforts made to expand our communication channels with our associates and, mainly, with society as a whole. Today, we have periodic content on our social networks and institutional and technical materials available on the news portal that we launched under our management.

As I finish my term, I realize that every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. With determination and collaboration from the entire board, Abrig is ready to embark on the next part of its journey, continuing to inspire, influence and lead in the construction of a scenario where Institutional and Government Relations are synonymous with efficiency, ethics and excellence. Abrig’s future is promising, and as we face the complex challenges ahead, we know that each step is a contribution to a brighter and more prosperous horizon. May Abrig’s commitment inspire all professionals in the field to follow this enlightened path with confidence and determination.

* Carolina Venuto is a lawyer, president of the Brazilian Association of Institutional and Governmental Relations (ABRIG) and managing partner of Ethics, Intelligence and Politics

The text above expresses the view of those who sign it, not necessarily that of Congresso em Foco. If you want to publish something on the same topic, but with a different point of view, send your text suggestion to [email protected].

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