Mamun of Kolkata is educating poor children after leaving school.

by time news

2023-12-22 10:49:59

Mamun, who once left studies due to financial constraints, is today lighting the flame of education in the lives of 6500 children.

Sometimes difficult situations make a person so strong that he becomes an example for himself as well as others. The story of Mamun Malik of Kolkata is also similar. Mamun is running four English medium schools named Samaritan Help Mission school in Kolkata. This school of theirs is especially for those children whose families have difficulty even getting money for two meals a day.

Mamun was inspired to start this school by his life experiences. Mamun, who belonged to a poor family, was once a bright student but due to financial reasons he had to leave school after class seven. At that time his family did not have money to pay school fees.

Although he left school but did not study, he started teaching some children by staying at his home and got education till 12th standard while staying at home.

But then Mamun had decided that in future he would definitely do something for the education of needy children like him. While teaching children to earn his living, he started a small initiative and started teaching needy children for free.

He started educating poor children in a small room of his house. Mamun knew that this was not a matter for him alone, so he started this work by forming an organization named Samaritan Help Mission school. But, he was not getting any financial help for a long time.

His efforts succeeded when one day Mamun read in the newspaper about the social welfare work of the US Consulate General’s wife and wrote to her asking for help.

After reading the letter written by him, she herself came to meet Mamun at his school. With his help, the school received a huge donation of Rs 10,000 for the first time. Not only this, he got articles published in newspapers on Mamun’s school.

After this incident, Mamun and his school started getting help from many people. Today, the initiative that started from a small room has transformed into four English Medium Schools. Where 6500 children are getting education with nominal fees. Mamun dreams of educating every needy child by opening many more such schools and needs your help.

To help them, you can contact them on 9836777600.

Also see: Serving hundreds of destitute at his own expense for 22 years

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